Intelligence de données générative

Tag: Blockchain

Financement lorsque le capital n’est pas bon marché

When capital becomes more expensive, how do you evaluate and decide on the best financing option for your company? There is (or at least there...

Un appel à la SEC : traitez les actifs cryptographiques comme si les clients comptaient

Cet article d'opinion a été initialement publié sous le titre « Un appel à la SEC : traitez les actifs cryptographiques comme si les clients comptent » sur le site Web de Coindesk le mercredi 21 septembre 2022. Dernière...

Ce que la Chine peut nous apprendre sur l'avenir de TikTok et de la recherche vidéo

It’s no secret today’s young people prefer searching for recommendations on video apps over text-based search engines. Even the executives at Google know this....

LVR : quantifier le coût de la fourniture de liquidités aux teneurs de marché automatisés

There are two types of participants in an automated market maker (AMM): traders, who exchange one of the AMM’s tokens for another (as a...

Zéro Connaissance Canon

Editor’s note: a16z crypto has had a long series of the “canons”, from our DAO Canon last year to our NFT Canon earlier (and...

La nouvelle économie de l'apprentissage : il est temps de renforcer l'éducation

As we enter the third school year of the Covid era, a disturbing new normal is settling over the country. Students continue to be...

Que signifie la fusion

The Merge – the major Ethereum upgrade that happened early Thursday morning – will go down as one of the most important moments in...

Investir dans Payall

As we write in our piece It’s All About The Money (Movement), moving money internationally is an opaque, fee-intensive process that requires two things:...

Tout est question d'argent (mouvement) : Simplifier les paiements transfrontaliers

While Elon Musk is working on taking humans to Mars, the way people and businesses move money internationally has not changed in decades. Whereas...

Investir dans Codi

If you’ve run a high-growth company, you know that office space decisions are a nightmare. You are forced to anchor your growth assumption in...

NFT « Preuve de fusion » pour commémorer Ethereum

“The Merge” – a major planned Ethereum upgrade – is set to take place imminently. The update will switch Ethereum over from “proof-of-work,” a...

Un cadre pour trouver un partenaire de conception

Design partners, or the first few users of a company’s software, are often a key part of the early software development process. By providing...

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