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Code-routing: a new attack on position verification


Joy Cree and Alex May

Stanford University

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The cryptographic task of position verification attempts to verify one party’s location in spacetime by exploiting constraints on quantum information and relativistic causality. A popular verification scheme known as $f$-routing involves requiring the prover to redirect a quantum system based on the value of a Boolean function $f$. Cheating strategies for the $f$-routing scheme require the prover use pre-shared entanglement, and security of the scheme rests on assumptions about how much entanglement a prover can manipulate. Here, we give a new cheating strategy in which the quantum system is encoded into a secret-sharing scheme, and the authorization structure of the secret-sharing scheme is exploited to direct the system appropriately. This strategy completes the $f$-routing task using $O(SP_p(f))$ EPR pairs, where $SP_p(f)$ is the minimal size of a span program over the field $mathbb{Z}_p$ computing $f$. This shows we can efficiently attack $f$-routing schemes whenever $f$ is in the complexity class $text{Mod}_ptext{L}$, after allowing for local pre-processing. The best earlier construction achieved the class L, which is believed to be strictly inside of $text{Mod}_ptext{L}$. We also show that the size of a quantum secret sharing scheme with indicator function $f_I$ upper bounds entanglement cost of $f$-routing on the function $f_I$.

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Cited by

[1] Alex May, “Complexity and entanglement in non-local computation and holography”, Quantum 6, 864 (2022).

[2] Alex May, Jonathan Sorce, and Beni Yoshida, “The connected wedge theorem and its consequences”, Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 11, 153 (2022).

[3] Kfir Dolev and Sam Cree, “Holography as a resource for non-local quantum computation”, arXiv:2210.13500, (2022).

[4] Kfir Dolev and Sam Cree, “Non-local computation of quantum circuits with small light cones”, arXiv:2203.10106, (2022).

[5] Rene Allerstorfer, Harry Buhrman, Alex May, Florian Speelman, and Philip Verduyn Lunel, “Relating non-local quantum computation to information theoretic cryptography”, arXiv:2306.16462, (2023).

[6] Llorenç Escolà-Farràs and Florian Speelman, “Single-qubit loss-tolerant quantum position verification protocol secure against entangled attackers”, arXiv:2212.03674, (2022).

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