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European Union (EU) officials are greenlighting new restrictions on anonymous transactions that involve crypto assets and cash.

Reporting on the social media platform X, Patrick Breyer, a German member of the EU Parliament, says that EU officials are ukuvimbela cash payments over €10,000 ($10,862), anonymous cash payments over €3,000 ($3,258), and crypto payments to hosted wallets with no threshold.

According to Breyer, the crackdown will Kusho citizens lose much of their financial freedom.

“Generally prohibiting anonymous payments would at best have minimal effects on crime, but it would deprive innocent citizens of their financial freedom.”

According to Irish law firm Dillon Eustace, the EU will setha the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) to oversee the new rules, which will likely lead to increased supervision for all firms, not just those that will be placed under direct watch.

“AMLA’s presence will not only result in increased AML (anti-money laundering) and CTF (counter-terrorism financing) supervision for selected entities, but for all firms as national supervisory authorities will be under increased scrutiny by AMLA and AMLA’s implementing and/or regulatory technical standards will be binding on all obliged entities, not just those directly supervised entities.”

Regulators in other parts of the world are also looking to crack down on illicit activities centered around digital assets. In 2022, U.S. Treasury Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo said that the Treasury Department would be ukukhomba self-custody crypto wallets.

At the time, Adeyemo said that the anonymity they provide could be exploited by bad actors.

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Ukuzikhulula: Imibono evezwe kuDaily Hodl akusona izeluleko zokutshala imali. Abatshalizimali kufanele benze ukukhuthala kwabo ngaphambi kokwenza noma yikuphi ukutshalwa kwemali okuyingozi enkulu kwiBitcoin, i-cryptocurrency noma impahla yedijithali. Uyaziswa ukuthi ukudluliselwa kwakho nokuhweba kusengozini yakho, futhi noma yikuphi ukulahlekelwa ongakuthola kungumthwalo wakho wemfanelo. I-Daily Hodl ayikukhuthazi ukuthengwa noma ukuthengiswa kwanoma yiphi i-cryptocurrencies noma impahla yedijithali, futhi ne-The Daily Hodl ingumeluleki ngokutshalwa kwezimali. Uyacelwa ukuthi uqaphele ukuthi iDaily Hodl ibamba iqhaza kwezentengiso ezihambelana nayo.

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