I-Generative Data Intelligence


UWarren Buffett Uxwayisa Ngomphumela Omubi We-Bitcoin - Ingabe Ukutshalwa Kwezimali Okuyingozi? - CryptoInfoNet

NanoStockk / Getty ImagesRanked sixth on Forbes’ Real-Time Billionaires List, Warren Buffett, co-founder, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, serves as a prime example...

Izindaba Ezinhle

KARRAT Protocol Pioneers Next Era of Gaming, Entertainment, and AI Innovation, Reshaping Hollywood and Beyond

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp The KARRAT Foundation is excited to introduce the KARRAT Protocol, a platform...

Izizwe Zidinga Ilayisensi Ye-Cybersecurity Pros

Malaysia has joined at least two other nations — Singapore and Ghana — in passing laws that require cybersecurity professionals or their firms to...

I-Coinbase Staking vs. USDC Imiklomelo: Ikuphi Okungcono?

I-Key Takeaways Coinbase Earn isekela izinhlamvu zemali eziyisikhombisa ukuze zifakwe, ezinezibalo ze-APY ezifinyelela ku-10%. Inkundla ikhokha inzalo engu-5.1% ngokumane...

I-MITER ATT&CKED: Igama elithenjwa kakhulu le-InfoSec Liwela ku-Ivanti Bugs

Foreign nation-state hackers have used vulnerable Ivanti edge devices to gain three months' worth of "deep" access to one of MITRE Corp.'s unclassified networks.MITRE,...

Zero-Trust Takes Over: 63% of Orgs Implementing Globally

According to the latest research by Gartner Inc., 63% of organizations globally have implemented a zero-trust strategy into their operations, whether that be partially...

Hlanganisa amaqoqo e-HyperPod ne-Active Directory yokungena ngemvume kwabasebenzisi abaningi | Izinsizakalo Zewebhu ze-Amazon

I-Amazon SageMaker HyperPod yakhelwe inhloso ukusheshisa ukuqeqeshwa kwemodeli yesisekelo (FM), isusa ukuphakamisa okusindayo okungahlukanisiwe okuhilelekile ekuphatheni nasekwenzeni ukuqeqeshwa okukhulu...

Umhlahlandlela wesigungu sokukhiqiza i-AI yokusimama | Izinsizakalo Zewebhu ze-Amazon

Izinhlangano zibhekene nezimfuneko ezilokhu zikhula njalo zezinhloso zokusimama ngokuhambisana nemikhuba yezemvelo, yezenhlalakahle, kanye nokubusa (ESG). Ucwaningo lwe-Gartner, Inc. luveze ukuthi amaphesenti angama-87...

5 Amathuluzi anamandla e-AI ukukusiza ukuthi uphumele ngaphandle kakhulu

Ufuna ukuphuma ngaphezulu? Kunenombolo yamathuluzi e-Google anamandla e-AI angasiza ngalokho - kusukela ekukwaziseni ...

I-Meta Horizon OS Izosebenza Kumahedisethi Asuka ku-ASUS & Lenovo

Meta is rebranding its Quest software platform to Meta Horizon OS, and opening it up to third-party headset makers.Headsets running the platform will feature...

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