Generative Data Intelligence

Getting started with Natural Language Processing


Vinay Kumar Paspula

Natural language processing (NLP) is a field dedicated to enabling computers to work with human language. It may surprise you to learn that NLP tools are increasingly ubiquitous in everyday life (you’ve probably used several already today!).

Photo by Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash

Look at the technologies around us:

  • Spellcheck and autocorrect
  • Auto-generated video captions
  • Virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa
  • Autocomplete
  • Your news site’s suggested articles

What do they have in common?

All of these handy technologies exist because of natural language processing! Also known as NLP, the field is at the intersection of linguistics, artificial intelligence, and computer science. The goal? Enabling computers to interpret, analyze, and approximate the generation of human languages (like English or Spanish).

NLP got its start around 1950 with Alan Turing’s test for artificial intelligence evaluating whether a computer can use language to fool humans into believing it’s human.

But approximating human speech is only one of a wide scope of uses for NLP! Applications from recognizing spam messages or biasin tweets to improving accessibility for people with inabilities all rely strongly upon natural language processing procedures.

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2. 🤖 How to talk to Computers: A Framework for building Conversational Agents — Part 1

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NLP can be conducted in several programming languages. However, Python has some of the most extensive open-source NLP libraries, including the Natural Language Toolkit or NLTK. Because of this, you’ll be using Python to get your first taste of NLP.

Photo by micah boswell on Unsplash

“You never know what you have… until you clean your data.”

~ Unknown (or possibly made up)

Cleaning and preparation are crucial for many tasks, and NLP is no exception. Text preprocessing is usually the first step you’ll take when faced with an NLP task.

Without preprocessing, your computer interprets "the", "The", and "<p>The" as entirely different words. There is a LOT you can do here, depending on the formatting you need. Lucky for you, Regex and NLTK will do most of it for you! Common tasks include:

Noise removal — stripping text of formatting (e.g., HTML tags).

Tokenization — breaking text into individual words.

Normalization — cleaning text data in any other way:

  • Stemming is a blunt axe to chop off word prefixes and suffixes. “booing” and “booed” become “boo”, but “sing” may become “s” and “sung” would remain “sung.”
  • Lemmatization is a scalpel to bring words down to their root forms. For example, NLTK’s savvy lemmatizer knows “am” and “are” are related to “be.”
  • Other common tasks include lowercasing, stopwords removal, spelling correction, etc.

You now have a preprocessed, clean list of words. Now what? It may be helpful to know how the words relate to each other and the underlying syntax (grammar). Parsing is a stage of NLP concerned with segmenting text based on syntax.

You probably do not want to be doing any parsing by hand and NLTK has a few tricks up its sleeve to help you out:

Part-of-speech tagging (POS tagging) identifies parts of speech (verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc.). NLTK can do it faster (and maybe more accurately) than your grammar teacher.

Named entity recognition (NER) helps identify the proper nouns (e.g., “Natalia” or “Berlin”) in a text. This can be a clue as to the topic of the text and NLTK captures many for you.

Dependency grammar trees help you understand the relationship between the words in a sentence. It can be a tedious task for a human, so the Python library spaCy is at your service, even if it isn’t always perfect.

In English we leave a lot of ambiguity, so syntax can be tough, even for a computer program. Take a look at the following sentence:

“I saw a cow under a tree with binoculars”

Do I have the binoculars? Does the cow have binoculars? Does the tree have binoculars?

Regex parsing, using Python’s re library, allows for a bit more nuance. When coupled with POS tagging, you can identify specific phrase chunks. On its own, it can find you addresses, emails, and many other common patterns within large chunks of text.

How can we help a machine make sense of a bunch of word tokens? We can help computers make predictions about language by training a language model on a corpus (a bunch of example text).

Language models are probabilistic computer models of language. We build and use these models to figure out the likelihood that a given sound, letter, word, or phrase will be used. Once a model has been trained, it can be tested out on new texts.

One of the most well-known language models is the unigram model, a statistical language model usually known as bag-of-words. As its name recommends, bag-of-words doesn’t have a lot of request to its turmoil! What it has is a count tally of each occurrence for each word. Think about the accompanying content example:

“The squids jumped out of the suitcases.”

Provided some initial preprocessing, bag-of-words would result in a mapping like:

{"the": 2, "squid": 1, "jump": 1, "out": 1, "of": 1, "suitcase": 1}

Now look at this sentence and mapping:

“Why are your suitcases full of jumping squids?”

{"why": 1, "be": 1, "your": 1, "suitcase": 1, "full": 1, "of": 1, "jump": 1, "squid": 1}

You can see how even with different word order and sentence structures, “jump,” “squid,” and “suitcase” are shared topics between the two examples. Bag-of-words can be an excellent way of looking at language when you want to make predictions concerning topic or sentiment of a text. When grammar and word order are irrelevant, this is probably a good model to use.

For parsing entire phrases or conducting language prediction, you will want to use a model that pays attention to each word’s neighbors. Unlike bag-of-words, the n-gram model considers a sequence of some number (n) units and calculates the probability of each unit in a body of language given the preceding sequence of length n. Because of this, n-gram probabilities with larger n values can be impressive at language prediction.Take a look at our revised squid example:

“The squids jumped out of the suitcases. The squids were furious.”

A bigram model (where n is 2) might give us the following count frequencies:

{('', 'the'): 2, ('the', 'squids'): 2, ('squids', 'jumped'): 1, ('jumped', 'out'): 1, ('out', 'of'): 1, ('of', 'the'): 1, ('the', 'suitcases'): 1, ('suitcases', ''): 1, ('squids', 'were'): 1, ('were', 'furious'): 1, ('furious', ''): 1}

There are a couple problems with the n gram model:

  1. How can your language model make sense of the sentence “The cat fell asleep in the mailbox” if it’s never seen the word “mailbox” before? During training, your model will probably come across test words that it has never encountered before (this issue also pertains to bag of words). A tactic known as language smoothing can help adjust probabilities for unknown words, but it isn’t always ideal.
  2. For a model that more accurately predicts human language patterns, you want n (your sequence length) to be as large as possible. That way, you will have more natural sounding language, right? Well, as the sequence length grows, the number of examples of each sequence within your training corpus shrinks. With too few examples, you won’t have enough data to make many predictions.

Enter neural language models (NLM)! Much recent work within NLP has involved developing and training neural networks to approximate the approach our human brains take towards language. This deep learning approach allows computers a much more adaptive tack to processing human language.

We’ve touched on the idea of finding topics within a body of language. But what if the text is long and the topics aren’t obvious?

Topic modeling is an area of NLP dedicated to uncovering latent, or hidden, topics within a body of language.

A common technique is to deprioritize the most common words and prioritize less frequently used terms as topics in a process known as term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf). Say what?! This may sound counter-intuitive at first. Why would you want to give more priority to less-used words? Well, when you’re working with a lot of text, it makes a bit of sense if you don’t want your topics filled with words like “the” and “is.” The Python libraries gensim and sklearn have modules to handle tf-idf.

Whether you use your plain bag of words (which will give you term frequency) or run it through tf-idf, the next step in your topic modeling journey is often latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). LDA is a statistical model that takes your documents and determines which words keep popping up together in the same contexts (i.e., documents). We’ll use sklearn to tackle this for us.

If you have any interest in visualizing your newly minted topics, word2vec is a great technique to have up your sleeve. word2vec can map out your topic model results spatially as vectors so that similarly used words are closer together. In the case of a language sample consisting of “The squids jumped out of the suitcases. The squids were furious. Why are your suitcases full of jumping squids?”, we might see that “suitcase”, “jump”, and “squid” were words used within similar contexts. This word-to-vector mapping is known as a word embedding.

Most of us have a decent autocorrect story. Our phone’s messenger unobtrusively trades one letter for another as we type and out of nowhere the significance of our message has changed (to our shock or delight). However, addressing text similarity, tending to content similarity — including spelling correction — is a significant test inside natural language processing.

Addressing word similarity and misspelling for spellcheck or autocorrect often involves considering the Levenshtein distance or minimal edit distance between two words. The distance is calculated through the minimum number of insertions, deletions, and substitutions that would need to occur for one word to become another. For example, turning “bees” into “beans” would require one substitution (“a” for “e”) and one insertion (“n”), so the Levenshtein distance would be two.

Phonetic similarity is also a major challenge within speech recognition. English-speaking humans can easily tell from context whether someone said “euthanasia” or “youth in Asia,” but it’s a far more challenging task for a machine! More advanced autocorrect and spelling correction technology additionally considers key distance on a keyboard and phonetic similarity (how much two words or phrases sound the same).

It’s also helpful to find out if texts are the same to guard against plagiarism, which we can identify through lexical similarity (the degree to which texts use the same vocabulary and phrases). Meanwhile, semantic similarity (the degree to which documents contain similar meaning or topics) is useful when you want to find (or recommend) an article or book similar to one you recently finished.

How does your favorite search engine complete your search queries? How does your phone’s keyboard know what you want to type next? Language prediction is an application of NLP concerned with predicting text given preceding text. Auto suggest, autocomplete, and suggested replies are common forms of language prediction.

Your first step to language prediction is picking a language model. Bag of words alone is generally not a great model for language prediction; no matter what the preceding word was, you will just get one of the most commonly used words from your training corpus.

If you go the n-gram route, you will most likely rely on Markov chains to predict the statistical likelihood of each following word (or character) based on the training corpus. Markov chains are memory-less and make statistical predictions based entirely on the current n-gram on hand.

For example, let’s take a sentence beginning, “I ate so many grilled cheese”. Using a trigram model (where n is 3), a Markov chain would predict the following word as “sandwiches” based on the number of times the sequence “grilled cheese sandwiches” has appeared in the training data out of all the times “grilled cheese” has appeared in the training data.

A more advanced approach, using a neural language model, is the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model. LSTM uses deep learning with a network of artificial “cells” that manage memory, making them better suited for text prediction than traditional neural networks.

Believe it or not, you’ve just scratched the surface of natural language processing. There are a slew of advanced topics and applications of NLP, many of which rely on deep learning and neural networks.

  • Naive Bayes classifiers are supervised machine learning algorithms that leverage a probabilistic theorem to make predictions and classifications. They are widely used for sentiment analysis (determining whether a given block of language expresses negative or positive feelings) and spam filtering.
  • We’ve made enormous gains in machine translation, but even the most advanced translation software using neural networks and LSTM still has far to go in accurately translating between languages.
  • Some of the most life-altering applications of NLP are focused on improving language accessibility for people with disabilities. Text-to-speech functionality and speech recognition have improved rapidly thanks to neural language models, making digital spaces far more accessible places.
  • NLP can likewise be utilized to recognize inclination recorded as a hard copy and discourse. Have an inclination that a political applicant, book, or news source is one-sided yet can’t placed precisely how? Natural language processing can assist you with recognizing the language at issue.

As you’ve seen, there are a vast array of applications for NLP. However, as they say, “with great language processing comes great responsibility” (or something along those lines). When working with NLP, we have several important considerations to take into account:

  • Different NLP tasks may be more or less difficult in different languages. Because so many NLP tools are built by and for English speakers, these tools may lag behind in processing other languages. The tools may also be programmed with cultural and linguistic biases specific to English speakers.
  • Imagine a scenario where your Amazon Alexa could just understand wealthy men from coastal zones of the United States. English itself is definitely not a homogeneous body. English changes by individual, by tongue, and by numerous sociolinguistic elements. When we fabricate and train NLP instruments, would we say we are just building them for one kind of English speaker?
  • You can have the best intentions and still inadvertently program a bigoted tool. While NLP can limit bias, it can also propagate bias. As an NLP developer, it’s important to consider biases, both within your code and within the training corpus. A machine will learn the same biases you teach it, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
  • As you become someone who builds tools with natural language processing, it’s vital to take into account your users’ privacy. There are many powerful NLP tools that come head-to-head with privacy concerns. Who is collecting your data? How much data is being collected and what do those companies plan to do with your data?

Check out how much you’ve learned about natural language processing!

  • Natural language processing combines computer science, linguistics, and artificial intelligence to enable computers to process human languages.
  • NLTK is a Python library used for NLP.
  • Text preprocessing is a stage of NLP focused on cleaning and preparing text for other NLP tasks.
  • Parsing is a stage of NLP concerned with breaking up text based on syntax.
  • Language models are probabilistic machine models of language use for NLP comprehension tasks. Common models include bag-of-words, n-gram models, and neural language modeling.
  • Topic modeling is the NLP process by which hidden topics are identified given a body of text.
  • Text similarity is a facet of NLP concerned with semblance between instances of language.
  • Language prediction is an application of NLP concerned with predicting language given preceding language.
  • There are many social and ethical considerations to take into account when designing NLP tools.



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