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Everything Shown in the GTA 6 Trailer


After some rumors and leaks, one of the most anticipated trailers of all time has been revealed. With it, there are some confirmations of things that have been rumored. Also, the trailer revealed some interesting narrative additions that could make this game another big hit. Here is a breakdown of everything that was shown in the GTA 6 Trailer.

[Related: GTA 6 Release Date Partially Revealed]

Everything Shown in the GTA 6 Trailer

GTA 6 Main Character Name

The first major reveal in the trailer is that the main character will be Lucia. This is a major shift for Rockstar games as the main characters have always been people who identified as male.

Lucia looks to be in jail and is serving time for what is revealed later in the trailer. She is a robber or thief of some kind with some other male character whose name is not revealed.

One can assume that she may be in jail for the last job that was seen right before it cut to the logo reveal.

GTA 6 City Revealed

While many anticipated this, the GTA 6 City is officially Vice City, also known as Miami, Florida. There had been rumors of this for a long time and it was essentially confirmed by Rockstar when the trailer release date was revealed.

There is a lot that is shown of Vice City as the map looks to be incredibly big. From the beaches to the nightlife and even out into the more rural areas on the outside of the city, Vice City has really had a glow-up.

GTA 6 In-Game Social Media

One of the major points of the trailer was to show that it has kept up with the times. Scenes were shots as if they were on some social media platform. Whether that was TikTok, Instagram Reels or maybe even Twitch, it would seem as though this could be a major addition to the game.

Can you imagine if you are able to gain a following in the game and are having to post the wild things you see? That would certainly set content creators’ brains on fire with all of the content that will be available to them.

GTA 6 Story Hinted At

While this one is a bit of a stretch, it would seem that at least for Lucia, the story will revolve around her career in crime. She will be dealing with being in jail or it seems that is presumably how the game will start. If not, then at some point she goes to or at least looks back on being in jail.

Outside of that, there is not much else. It will be interesting to see if her partner in crime ends up being another playable character or just one that is vital to the story.

Other Notes on the GTA 6 Reveal Trailer

The graphics are clearly gorgeous and should only improve until the release date in 2025. Computers and next-gen consoles have easily surpassed their predecessors since GTA 5’s release back in 2023.

Along with the overarching show of how incredible the city is, they showed off a lot of the good life. Or at least the party life, depending on what you are into. Cars, money, drugs and strip clubs were shown off plenty in this trailer. It is not a surprise as this is in all GTA games but it was certainly interesting to see.

What was also worth pointing out was all of the scenery and less city-focused parts of the trailer. The animals, airboats in the swamps, a plane flying over the island connecting high ways and the more rural areas. There were monster trucks and so many guys who would easily fir the “Florida Man” theme.

This game is going to do what all GTA games do and likely change the world of gaming yet again. There is no doubt that GTA 6 should be high anticipated and that fans’ expectations for the sixth major installment should be just as high.

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