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Imikhomo Eqongelela I-Altcoin Yomhlaba Oshisayo Egxile Kwempahla Egxile Kusuka Ku-Crypto Exchange: Lookonchain - The Daily Hodl


Whales are gobbling up a red-hot crypto project that’s focused on tokenizing real-world assets (RWAs).

The crypto tracker Lookonchain amanothi that one whale withdrew 6.53 million I-ONDO, the native token of Ondo Finance, from the crypto exchange Bybit over the past month.

That trove is worth more than $6 million.

Ondo Finance Ihlose to provide institutional-grade financial products and services via a public blockchain by tokenizing RWAs and developing financial protocols that integrate those tokens.

Lookonchain also notes that a different whale withdrew 1.98 million ONDO worth nearly $1.83 million from the crypto exchange Gate.io over a one-hour period on Sunday.

A third whale also withdrew 937,600 ONDO worth $864,867 from Gate.io a few hours before that, according to the blockchain tracker.

ONDO is trading at $0.922 at time of writing. The 91st-ranked crypto asset by market cap is up more than 8% in the past 24 hours and nearly 124% in the past week. The token also set a new all-time high of $0.9702 early Monday morning, according to CoinGecko.

Lookonchain also notes that a whale deposited 11,275 Ethereum (I-ETH) worth $37.4 million to the top crypto exchange Binance at a loss of approximately $500,000 over the weekend. The whale then made moves to buy back into the second-ranked crypto asset after its price went up.

Kuchaza the blockchain tracker,

“As the price of ETH increased, he withdrew 9,092 ETH ($31.7 million) from Binance… and borrowed 18 million USDT to buy more ETH.”

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