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URoger Ver Wenqaba Isipho Sika-Adam Back Sokubuyela Ku-Bitcoin, Unamathela Ku-BCH - CryptoInfoNet


Naphezu kwesimemo somphakathi sokubuyela emphakathini we-Bitcoin, umtshali-zimali wokuqala we-Bitcoin u-Roger Ver usabambelele ku-Bitcoin Cash (BCH)—futhi uthi ungqimba lwe-2 blockchains alukho uphawu.

Blockstream CEO and early Bitcoin developer Adam Back extended an olive branch to Ver after the latter’s book was published. In “Hijacking Bitcoin: The Hidden History of BTC,” Ver asserts that the original vision of Bitcoin has been corrupted. Ver spoke with Decrypt about the current state of Bitcoin Cash and his response to Back—and he’s not going back.

“The software development has been captured by a small group of insiders who completely inverted the original design,” he told Decrypt.

Inkulumompikiswano yongqimba-2 ihlanganisa ukuhlukana kwefilosofi phakathi kwe-BTC ne-BCH. AbakwaBitcoiners bakholelwa ukuthi izixazululo ze-L2 zisiza isikali se-chain, kuyilapho abathanda i-BCH bakholelwa ukuthi lezo ezibizwa ngokuthi izixazululo ziyizixazululo ezimaphakathi zezinkinga ezingaxazululwa kangcono ngokufaka amabhlogo amakhulu kunethiwekhi yokuqala. Ngakolunye uhlangothi, amabhlogo amakhulu awathandwa ngabavukuzi abancane, njengoba adinga amandla amaningi futhi aholela ezithakazelweni eziningi zezinkampani endaweni.

Zombili izinhlangothi zithi zisekela umbono wokuqala weBitcoin, okwamanje, njengoba ubekwe ngumdali ongaziwa uSatoshi Nakamoto.

In his invitation, Beck urged Ver to give L2s a chance. Ver remained skeptical.

“These ‘second layers’ are either centralized systems or they don’t work reliably,” Ver told Decrypt, “This is especially true for Adam Back’s Liquid Network, on which his company takes every single transaction fee.”

Naphezu kokuvela kwemakethe ye-cryptocurrency kusukela ngemfoloko ye-Bitcoin Cash ngo-2017, u-Ver ugcizelela ukuthi "i-BCH isalokhu iyisithombe esiyiqiniso sombono ka-Satoshi."

Beyond the monetary aspect, Roger Ver seems to see himself as an orthodox when it comes to following Satoshi’s guidelines. This has also been the case for those behind Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision (BSV), in turn a BCH fork promoted by Craig Wright that also claims to be the only one following Nakamoto’s original plan.

Rivalries are perhaps less important today than they were back in 2017, but the maxis within each camp seem to feel the differences among them are still too big to reach common ground. Decrypt asked Roger Ver if he saw any chance of both communities collaborating in the future, and he seemed to advocate letting the market decide.

"Uma abantu bevuka futhi bebona ukuthi ukuthuthukiswa kwe-BTC kubanjiwe, futhi bayaqaphela ukuthi izingqimba zesibili zehlulekile ukukala i-Bitcoin, ngithemba ukuthi abantu bazoqaphela ukuthi i-BCH iyindlela enhle kakhulu, iphakeme kakhulu, futhi ingaba kokubili kwedijithali. imali yegolide neyedijithali ngesikhathi esifanayo,” kusho uVer.

Yiziphi izici ze-Bitcoin eziye zonakaliswa? “Le ncwadi ichaza imininingwane,” ephendula.

I-Ver cishe iyizwi elihamba phambili eliphawuleka kakhulu emphakathini we-BCH, kodwa wagcizelela isimo sokuhlukaniswa kwenethiwekhi nomphakathi lapho ebuzwa mayelana nomgwaqo wesikhathi esizayo wethokheni.

“There is no CEO of Bitcoin Cash,” he told Decrypt. “I don’t find this question very relevant to myself.”

Ihlelwe nguRyan Ozawa.

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#Roger #Ver #Dismisses #Adam #Backs #Invitation #Return #Bitcoin #Stands #Firm #BCH #Decrypt


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