I-Generative Data Intelligence

Tag: umphakathi

The Top 10 SitePoint Guides & Tutorials of 2019

In 2019, we published hundreds of new guides, tutorials, and articles. Whether we showed you how to use new technologies and tools, or...

AI-powered robo-dogs win hearts in Japan

Awesome, not awesome.#Awesome“Artificial intelligence can help doctors do a better job of finding breast cancer on mammograms, researchers from Google and medical centers...

Yini i-Ripple? | The Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Ripple is a distributed open source internet protocol that facilitates a real-time gross settlement system (RTGS), currency exchange, and remittance network. Ripple is...

Ukubuyekezwa kwe-Filecoin: Inethiwekhi Yesitoreji Esisekelwe Ku-Blockchain

You may be forgiven for forgetting about Filecoin, the $257 million mega ICO of 2017. However, this project is silently making development strides. This...

I-CoinFund 2020: USeth Ginns ujoyina ithimba lethu egxile kumasu okutshala imali

USeth Ginns, iNhloko Yezokutshalwa Kwezimali Eziwuketshezi & Nophathina Ophethe Namuhla, ithimba leCoinFund lijabule kakhulu ukwamukela uSeth Ginns...

Following my passion: Why I’m joining CoinFund

I am super excited to join the CoinFund team as a Managing Partner, with a focus on our...

Ukubuyekezwa kwe-Kava: I-DeFi Ye-Crypto & Cross Chain CDP Platform

I-Kava ikhiqiza intshisekelo encane embonini ye-DeFi muva nje. Baningi abacabanga ukuthi kunganyakazisa...

Bringing artificial intelligence and MIT to middle school classrooms

In the age of Alexa, YouTube recommendations, and Spotify playlists, artificial intelligence has become a way of life, improving marketing...

I-Cosmos ATOM Wallets ehamba phambili: I-7 Safest Storage & Staking Options

I-Cosmos (ATOM) iphrojekthi ezama ukuxazulula izinkinga zokuqina nokusebenzelana okuhlupha ama-blockchains. Bafuna ukwakha...

Ukuhlola umlando we-hip hop ngobuciko nobuchwepheshe

Imnyuziyamu entsha iza eNew York City ngo-2023, unyaka wosuku lokuzalwa lwe-hip-hop lweminyaka engama-50, kanye ne-MIT...

Ukubuyekezwa kwe-Orchid kwe-OXT: I-Blockchain Based VPN Network

I-Orchid yakha i-VPN yokuqala emhlabeni ku-blockchain. Le phrojekthi ithole inzalo enkulu kusukela ku-OXT yayo...

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