I-Generative Data Intelligence

Tag: tech

Keeping your support team motivated, happy and productive

When you hear about a successful company, you often think about the charismatic CEO behind the interview, the innovative engineers behind the software,...

Alphacon Network: Blockchain-based Healthcare Platform for 120 year lifespans in the Alpha Age

Living to 120 years old in good health, the ‘Alpha Age’. Alphacon aims to help boost humanity into the new age through consistent...

Abamabhange bangacabanga kanjani njengosomabhizinisi?

Emasontweni angu-2 edlule, bengingusihlalo wokusakaza mayelana nokuthi “Amabhange angasungula kanjani izinto ezintsha” kwaMoney 20/20 Singapore. Izithameli ikakhulukazi bekungochwepheshe ku...

Isikhwama Esisha Seminyaka Eyishumi Elizayo

05 Apr 2019 Isikhwama Esisha Seminyaka Eyishumi Elizayo Amathegi: fintech, Innovation, Investment, MiddleGame Ventures, venture capital in Uncategorized...

How personalized customer service can turn a bad experience into a good one

Customer service is not an easy job. Solving customers’ issues on a daily basis can often come with an unsolicited side of negativity...

I-Artificial Intelligence kanye ne-Home Automation, eyaziwa nangokuthi Ikhaya Lami Lihlakaniphe KuneLakho!

Yabelana... Facebook Twitter Linkedin Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Phrinta i-imeyili Ubuhlakani bokwenziwa busizungezile, ukusho okuncane. Ihlasele ezindaweni zethu zokusebenza, izimoto zethu, amafoni ethu kanye nazo zonke izici zomuntu siqu...

Amaphaneli we-Esports wamahhala ngo-Ephreli 6

Njengengxenye yomqhudelwano we-GEL e-GSU, i-GEL kanye ne-GGDA bahlele amaphaneli alandelayo. Konke kumahhala futhi kuvulekele umphakathi. I-Georgia State Sports Arena, 125 Decatur St., SE Atlanta 30303. Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/56eza91NotA2 Parking GSU's G-Deck incikene ngqo neSports Arena futhi imahhala kubo bonke abakhona ngoMgqibelo [... ]

I-DxChain: Ukuzulazula I-Frontier Elandelayo Kudatha ye-Blockchain kanye ne-Computing

I-Blockchain iyisiphazamiso esibalulekile ezimbonini ezihlukahlukene njengezezimali, ukudayisa, ukunakekelwa kwezempilo kanye nezombusazwe. Lesi sakamuva ngokuqinisekile sethula amathuba amangalisayo ku...

I-GEL Championship ngo-Ephreli 6 e-GSU

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pantherlan-tickets-57757749985 Georgia State University’s varsity esports program will host and compete against multiple college and university teams during the third PantherLAN Esports Tournament with live, in-arena finals across multiple games on Saturday, April 6 at the Georgia State Sports Arena, 125 Decatur St., S.E. Parking details are at the end of this post. The Georgia […]

Prepare for take off: innovating with AI in the travel industry

The travel industry pioneered early large scale computing, particularly with the advent of airline booking systems, in the 1960s. Back then, these were...

Facebook might launch a cryptocurrency in the first half of 2019

Facebook coin might arrive as early as the first half of this year. Image:  Chesnot/Getty Images By Stan Schroeder2019-03-01 15:04:01 UTC We...

Ethereum upgrade goes live on second try

Ethereum's fork has gone as planned. Image: Jordan Mansfield/Getty Images By Stan Schroeder2019-03-01 13:04:05 UTC A big upgrade for decentralized app platform...

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