I-Generative Data Intelligence

Tag: Spot

UFranklin Templeton's Ethereum spot ETF esohlwini lwe-DTCC

Ulwazi olukhona noma olufinyelelwe ngale webhusayithi lutholakala emithonjeni ezimele esikholelwa ukuthi inembile futhi ithembekile, kodwa i-Decentral Media, Inc....

Izindaba Ezinhle

Bitcoin Under Pressure But Whales Hold Over $331 Billion Of BTC: A Sign To Buy?

While Bitcoin prices struggle for momentum and are caged inside a narrow range, on-chain data tells a different story. Taking to X, one analyst notes...

Exchange Inflow Surge: Are Bitcoin Whales Taking Profits?

Bitcoin whales appear to be realizing their profits from BTC’s latest rally, as on-chain analysts have identified a surge in inflows to centralized crypto...

No Soft Landing: Here’s Why Robert Kiyosaki Believes the American Economy Is in Depression

The predictions for the US economy continue to be gloomy. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” author Robert Kiyosaki bluntly stated that the American economy is in...

Le Metric Ibikezela Ukuzuzwa Kwentengo Ye-Bitcoin Esimeme Ekupheleni kuka-2024: Kaiko

Kulandela isenzakalo sakamuva sokwehliswa kwe-Bitcoin, abahlaziyi bezimakethe babhekisise indima yemali edingekayo ekulolongeni umzila we-cryptocurrency ezinyangeni ezizayo. Ngokuvumelana ne...

I-Ethereum Bulls Ibhekana Nokuhlehla Njengoba Abangaphakathi Beveza I-SEC Isethelwe Ukwenqaba Ama-ETF E-Spot Ether Ngenyanga ezayo

Izinkunzi ze-Ethereum (ETH) zokukhangisa zingase zibe sesikhathini sokuphoxeka. Imibiko iqhamuka...

I-Consensys Iyisa I-SEC Enkantolo Ngemizamo Yokulawula I-Ethereum Njengesivikelo

Isikhondlakhondla sesofthiwe ye-Advertisement Ethereum i-Consensys ifake isimangalo ngokumelene ne-US...

I-FBTC kaFidelity Ibona Ukuphuma Kwesikhathi Sokuqala Njenge-IBIT Ye-IBIT Yephula Ukugeleza Okungenayo

Imakethe yase-United States ye-Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) idonsa kanzima ngemali engenayo njengoba abatshalizimali bekhipha impahla yabo ngobuningi. Leli gagasi lokuhoxa...

Ngibuze noma yini: UFlorence Downs - 'Ngithola ukwanelisa ilukuluku lami elivuthayo mayelana nobuchwepheshe obusha' - Physics World

Florence Downs is an editor at Ingenia, the Royal Academy of Engineering’s free-to-read print and online magazine for young people interested in STEM. She...

Ngibuze noma yini: UFlorence Downs - 'Ngithola ukwanelisa ilukuluku lami elivuthayo mayelana nobuchwepheshe obusha' - Physics World

Florence Downs is an editor at Ingenia, the Royal Academy of Engineering’s free-to-read print and online magazine for young people interested in STEM. She...

I-CryptoPunks ihamba phambili ngokuthengisa kwe-NFT ngemali engaphezu kuka-US$12 wezigidi

Ethereum-based CryptoPunks, a pioneering non-fungible token (NFT) collection, topped the daily sales chart with an impressive US$12.67 million in revenue. CryptoPunk 635 sold for US$12.4...

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