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Tag: ukulawula

UKraken Unweba Ilayisensi Yase-US Ngokutholwa Kwe-TradeStation Crypto - CryptoInfoNet

“`html The digital currency trading platform Kraken has announced the acquisition of TradeStation Crypto, a branch of the TradeStation Group. Reported by Seeking Alpha on Thursday...

Izindaba Ezinhle

I-SEC ithi izinsolo zokuhambela kukaJustin Sun e-US kunikeza igunya lomuntu siqu lokuthatha izinyathelo zomthetho

The US SEC filed an amended complaint in its case against Justin Sun and other defendants on April 18, arguing that Justin Sun’s alleged...

I-IMF ithi i-Bitcoin isiphenduke ithuluzi lezezimali elidingekayo ukuze kulondolozwe ingcebo phakathi nokuntengantenga kwezimali

Bitcoin (BTC) is increasingly serving as a critical channel for cross-border financial flows amid global financial instability, according to a new report by the...

Binance Seeks To Re-Enter The Indian Market — But It’ll Have To First Pay A $2M Fine

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange by trading volume, is looking to...

Consensys Exec on U.S. SEC’s Ethereum Investigation

The Ethereum ecosystem is facing a critical moment as the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigates whether Ether (ETH) should be classified as...

U-Hester Peirce Ubiza Izenzo Zokuphoqelela Okubili Kwe-SEC 'Azinangqondo,' Uthi Ukungaqondakali Kwe-Ejensi Kungase Kwenziwe Ngamabomu - The Daily Hodl

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Commissioner Hester Peirce is voicing her disappointment with what she says is the agency’s lack of predictability. In a...

Ripple’s Top Lawyer Sets The Record Straight On Next Steps In SEC Case — Is $1 XRP In Sight?

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp Stuart Alderoty, the chief legal officer at fintech firm Ripple, has cleared...

I-Worldcoin ka-Sam Altman izokwethula i-L2 Blockchain Ibeka phambili Ukuhwebelana Kwabantu

I-Worldcoin, iphrojekthi eyasungulwa ngokuhlanganyela yi-Open AI CEO uSam Altman, esebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bokuskena i-iris ukuze iqinisekise “ubuntu” bomsebenzisi, ihlela ukwethula uhlelo...

Khiqiza izikripthi ze-IaC ezenziwe ngezifiso, ezithobelayo ze-AWS Landing Zone usebenzisa i-Amazon Bedrock | Izinsizakalo Zewebhu ze-Amazon

Ukuthuthela emafini kuyisinyathelo esibalulekile sezinhlangano zesimanje ezihlose ukwenza imali ngokuguquguquka nezinga lezinsiza zamafu. Amathuluzi afana...

Ezimakethe, lesi sikhathi cishe asihlukile. Lokhu kwehliswa kweBitcoin kuhlukile.

Ibhulogi yesivakashi ka-Nathaniel Whittemore (NLW)NLW ingumsingathi we-Coindesk ethi The Breakdown – i-podcast ekhula ngokushesha kakhulu ku-crypto. UWhittemore ubeyi-VC...

I-Bitwise Yembula Imithelela Yentengo ye-Bitcoin Yesikhathi Esifushane Nesikhathi Eside Yokunciphisa Uhhafu Imicimbi

Ephepheni labo lokucwaninga elinemininingwane elinesihloko esithi “The Bitcoin Halving: A Programmatic Monetary Policy,” uJuan Leon kanye noMatt Hougan we-Bitwise Asset Management bahlola...

I-AI Tokens ishaya i-Bitcoin

Njengoba i-Bitcoin ifinyelela ku-ATH entsha (iphezulu ngaso sonke isikhathi) ngoMashi 2024, imakethe ye-crypto ingene ngempela emjikelezweni we-bullish. Ukugunyazwa kwe-SEC kwama-Bitcoin ETF, kuyakhula...

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