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Tag: kuthengiswa

I-USD/JPY: Umkhuba we-JPY oqhubekayo uqinile naphezu kwengozi yokungenelela ekhulayo - i-MarketPulse

Ukwehla kwamandla emali okuyisisekelo eTokyo ngo-Ephreli kufike ...

Ama-Spot Crypto ETF Asethelwe Ukuqala Ukuhweba e-Hong Kong Ngeviki Elizayo: Bika - The Daily Hodl

Izikhwama ze-Spot market crypto exchange-traded (ETFs) kubikwa ukuthi zizokwethulwa eHong Kong maduze nje ngesonto elizayo. Ngokombiko omusha ka...

I-Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) Faces Continues Outflow Spree

Izikhulu ze-Bitcoin News Grayscale zicaphune ifa kanye nokuphatha kwe-trust njengezizathu zokuthethelela izinkokhelo. Naphezu kwemakethe ye-crypto ehlala ishintsha, i-GBTC ayikwazanga...

I-Crypto Whales Engesabi Isebenzisa Isiphithiphithi Se-Ripple XRP Ngokuthenga Kwezigidi Eziningi

I-Advertisement XRP, i-cryptocurrency yesikhombisa ngobukhulu ngosonhlamvukazi bemakethe, iqhubekile nokubhekana ne-bearish...

I-SEC kulindeleke ukuthi inqabe i-Ethereum ETFs: Reuters

I-US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) kulindeleke ukuthi yenqabe izicelo ze-Ethereum exchange-traded fund (ETF) ngenyanga ezayo, ngokusho kweReuters. I-regulator's...

I-DAR Imemezela Ngo-Ephreli 2024 Imiphumela Yokuhlola I-Crypto Exchange: Imibono Ebalulekile

Embonini lapho ukwethembeka nokwethenjwa kunezinxushunxushu njengezimpahla ezidayiswayo, indima yokuhlola ngokucophelela ekuhwebeni kwe-cryptocurrency ayikwazi...

I-First Mover Americas: I-Bitcoin Yehla Ngaphansi kwe-$64K, i-Ether Falls

Isikhwama seBlackRock bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), esihweba ngaphansi kwethikha i-IBIT eNasdaq, asizange sithandeke ngoLwesithathu, idatha yokuqala eshicilelwe ...

Amathrendi asafufusa ku-RWA Tokenization: Ukuvala iDijithali kanye Nomzimba

Esimweni esithuthukayo sezezimali, Izimpahla Zomhlaba Wangempela (ama-RWA)—ezihlanganisa yonke into kusukela ezindaweni ezithengiswayo kuye kwezithengiswayo—zimele isitolo esikhulu senani eliphathekayo. Iminyaka yedijithali...

Ukunqoba Izinselele Zamasiko Nezobuchwepheshe Ekuzenzeleni Ukulawulwa Kwengozi Yemali

Ngenzuzo engaphezu kwezigidigidi eziyisi-7 zamaRandi ngosuku, imakethe yokushintshiselana ngemali yangaphandle ihlinzeka ngengemuva eliyinselele kumabhizinisi asebenza kwamanye amazwe...

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