I-Generative Data Intelligence

Tag: Apple

I-shades eyishumi nanhlanu yomkhiqizo: i-psychology yokuziphatha kwabathengi

Is loyalty the same as a deep love for something? I don’t want to bring the “L” word into things but I guess...

Most popular Android apps of 2018 right here and right now

If you want to have a rather diverse range of Android applications then Google Play Store is the place to be.The platform offers...

Why are they all women?

Present-day digital assistants keep our diaries in order, give us directions and take care of our correspondence. They are, first and foremost, virtual...

The revolution will be emojified: striving for truly representative emoji

The first Emojicon took place in San Francisco, in November 2016. Emojicon is Emojination’s flagship gathering, a community that hopes, and I quote,...

Ama-bots esiwafunayo: ukuhlola ubuntatheli obuxoxayo

Even for June, it was a surprisingly warm afternoon when we met John Keefe, in Lisbon’s Terreiro do Paço. He was wearing a...

Why modern life needs modern banking

Advertising Content from Citi How younger generations are revolutionizing our culture—and banking By Mashable Brand X How younger generations are...

Fake virus warning con artists arrested in India

Reading Time: 3 minutesImagine that you’re surfing the web, and suddenly a popup appears on your screen with an ominous message. “Your computer...

Fake Virus Warning Leads to Scam

Reading Time: 3 minutesImagine that you’re surfing the web, and suddenly a popup appears on your screen with an ominous message. “Your...

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare – A Comprehensive Account

To say that the role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare is intriguing, would be an understatement. AI and Machine Learning can bring about...

Did China put hardware backdoors into Apple and Amazon networks?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Bloomberg Businessweek published a shocking and controversial report on October 4th. Supermicro is based in San Jose, California. Although their...

Chinese Backdoor Checker | Apple and Amazon servers

Reading Time: 5 minutesBloomberg Businessweek published a shocking and controversial report on October 4th. Supermicro is based in San Jose, California. Although...

Odinga ukukwazi mayelana nokuxhashazwa okusha kwe-Cold Boot

Isikhathi Sokufunda: 3 imizuzu u-Kim Crawley Imboni yezokuvikela i-cybersecurity iyamangaza ngenxa yokuxhashazwa okusanda kutholwa nokwethusa kakhulu, okusha okulimazayo...

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Xoxa nathi

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