I-Generative Data Intelligence

Tag: idatha

I-Bitcoin Bloodbath: I-Crypto Analyst Spots 'Death Cross' Ngemva Kwe-8% Ukwehla Kwentengo

With the price of Bitcoin down by more than 8% over the last 30-day period and as enthusiasm surrounding the launch of spot Bitcoin...

Izindaba Ezinhle

Izinhlelo zokusebenza eziphezulu eziyi-15 ze-Xero nokuhlanganiswa kwe-Xero endaweni yeMakethe ye-Xero 2024

Okuphakelayo kwebhange nokubuyisana okuzenzakalelayo, imbuyiselo yesicelo sezindleko ezilula, nezici zama-invoyisi aku-inthanethi kuyisiqalo; I-Xero iyisisombululo sesoftware ye-premium accounting...

U-Stripe uvula kabusha izinkokhelo ze-crypto ngokugxila kwe-USDC

I-Payment processor Stripe imemezele ukwethulwa kabusha kwezinkokhelo ze-cryptocurrency. Ukusebenzelana kabusha kukaStripe nomkhakha we-cryptocurrency kuza nokugxila ku-USDC, okuvumela amabhizinisi ukuthi...

Laser light makes a material magnetic – Physics World

Pulses of laser light can cause any material – including insulators – to develop a relatively large magnetic moment. This effect, which has been...

Ngemuva kwe-WIF, BONK: I-Crypto Trader Ephezulu Ithenga Lawa Ma-Memecoins angu-2

Ama-Memecoins ake enza amagagasi emakethe ye-crypto. Emahoreni angama-24 edlule, ama-cryptocurrensets angu-4 kwangu-10 asebenza kahle kakhulu kwabayi-100 aphezulu...

Le Metric Ibikezela Ukuzuzwa Kwentengo Ye-Bitcoin Esimeme Ekupheleni kuka-2024: Kaiko

Kulandela isenzakalo sakamuva sokwehliswa kwe-Bitcoin, abahlaziyi bezimakethe babhekisise indima yemali edingekayo ekulolongeni umzila we-cryptocurrency ezinyangeni ezizayo. Ngokuvumelana ne...

I-DOGE Price Prediction - I-Dogecoin Ngezansi kuka-$0.14 Ingabangela Ukwehla Kwezinga Elikhudlwana

I-Dogecoin ilwela ukukhuphuka ngaphezu kwendawo yokumelana ne-$0.1650 uma iqhathaniswa neDola laseMelika. I-DOGE ingehla kakhulu uma ihlala ngaphansi kuka-$0.140...

Iviki ku-Polkadot: I-Web3 Foundation Isekela Isitoreji Esimisiwe - Decrypt

Senza ucwaningo, uthola i-alpha!Thola imibiko ekhethekile futhi ufinyelele imininingwane ebalulekile ngamaconsi omoya, ama-NFTs, nokuningi! Bhalisa manje ku-Alpha...

Search for tiny black holes puts tighter constraints on quantum gravity – Physics World

New observations of the flavour composition of atmospheric neutrinos have revealed no conclusive evidence for the minuscule, short-lived black holes that have been predicted...

Okuningi kuka-Solana we-FTX Uye E-Pantera Capital Endalini: Bika - Decrypt

Senza ucwaningo, uthola i-alpha!Thola imibiko ekhethekile futhi ufinyelele imininingwane ebalulekile ngamaconsi omoya, ama-NFTs, nokuningi! Bhalisa manje ku-Alpha...

I-Ethereum Bulls Ibhekana Nokuhlehla Njengoba Abangaphakathi Beveza I-SEC Isethelwe Ukwenqaba Ama-ETF E-Spot Ether Ngenyanga ezayo

Izinkunzi ze-Ethereum (ETH) zokukhangisa zingase zibe sesikhathini sokuphoxeka. Imibiko iqhamuka...

I-Quantum News Briefs: Ephreli 26, 2024: Izindaba Ezivela E-Zurich Instruments kanye Ne-QuantWare • I-Quantum Computing Inc. • Isikhungo Solwazi Lwe-Quantum (CQI), Inyuvesi yaseTsinghua,...

Ngu-Kenna Hughes-Castleberry okuthunyelwe 26 Apr 2024 Quantum News Briefs: April 26, 2024: izifinyezo zokukhululwa kwabezindaba ngezansi: Zurich Instruments...

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