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Tag: cryptocurrency ukuhweba

Amarokhethi E-Bitbot Presale Adlule Ku-$2.2M Kusele Izigaba Ezi-5 Kuphela

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp Bitbot’s presale has captured the crypto world’s attention, spectacularly surging past $2.2m...

Izindaba Ezinhle

I-OKX Exchange ukuze Uhlu lwe-WIF kanye ne-MEW ye-Spot Trading

I-OKX, i-cryptocurrency ehamba phambili, imemezele ukufakwa kuhlu kwe-WIF (dogwifhat) kanye ne-MEW (ikati emhlabeni wezinja) emakethe yayo yokuhweba.

I-Crypto Roundup: 15 Ephreli 2024 | CryptoCompare.com

Iqhubekisela phambili isifiso sayo sokuba isikhungo se-cryptocurrency, i-Hong Kong yagunyaza izicelo zendawo yayo yokuqala ye-Bitcoin ne-Ether exchange-traded funds (ETFs). I-China Asset Management,...

Hong Kong approves spot Bitcoin ETF

Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has reportedly greenlit the city’s first spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF), managed by China Asset Management (Hong...

I-Bitcoin, imakethe ye-crypto iyawa njengoba ukungezwani kwe-Iran-Israel kwanda

Imakethe ye-cryptocurrency yehle ngempelasonto ngenxa yokungezwani okukhulayo phakathi kwe-Iran ne-Israel, inani le-Bitcoin lehla laya ku-$62,773...

UMnyango Wezobulungiswa WaseVietnam Uqinisekisa Ukuvunywa Kwezimali Ze-Crypto, Izingcingo Zokucaciswa Kwezomthetho - CryptoInfoNet

I-Cryptocurrency isebenza ngaphakathi kwendawo yokulawula eyingqayizivele eVietnam, lapho ihlala ingavinjelwe ukuvinjelwa okusobala kodwa isebenza ngaphandle kohlaka olusemthethweni olusemthethweni. Lokhu...

OPZ Token Presale: 96% of Stage 1 Sold, Launched World’s First AI Powered Wallet & DEX

OPZ Token ($OPZ) is an all-in-one solution that integrates a wallet on iOS & Android, decentralized exchange, advanced AI trading, and NFC technology. It...

EU Regulator Expresses Serious Concerns Over Concentration In Cryptocurrency Trading – CryptoInfoNet

LONDON (Reuters) – According to the European Union’s securities regulator, the significant dominance of Binance in cryptocurrency transactions—it commands over 50% of the market—poses...

I-Gauss0x: Ukuthuthukisa Ukuhweba Kwe-Cryptocurrency Ngamathuluzi Okuzenzakalela Asenqenqemeni - CryptoInfoNet

"`I-htmlMiami, Florida, Ephreli 9, 2024, i-ChainwireGauss0x ivela njengenkundla ebanzi eklanywe abadali bayo ukuletha isisombululo sokuhweba se-Ethereum blockchain esifanele...

I-Crypto Trading Firm GSR Inikezwe Ilayisensi Egcwele eSingapore - Fintech Singapore

I-GSR, inkampani ehweba nge-cryptocurrency yomhlaba wonke kanye nomhlinzeki wemali, inikezwe ilayisense ye-Major Payment Institution (MPI) yi-Monetary Authority yase-Singapore...

Ukuhwebelana Okukhulu Kwe-Crypto Bona Ukukhula Okubalulekile Njengoba I-Bitcoin Ifinyelela I-ATH Entsha: CCData

Muva nje, i-CCData ikhiphe uhlelo lwakamuva (Mashi 2024) lombiko wayo wocwaningo Lokubuyekezwa Kokushintshisana. I-CCData iwumthombo othembekile wedatha ebanzi nezibalo ezenzelwe wena...

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