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Umcimbi Ongenzi Nzuzo onetimu kaMessi Ukhulisa Isikhwama Sokweseka Izingane e-Argentina Club Caacupé


Victoria, Seychelles, Mashi 26, 2024, Chainwire

I-Bitget, ehamba phambili emhlabeni i-crypto exchange and Web3 company, hosted the #MakeItCount event earlier in Puerto Madero, Argentina, to commemorate the second anniversary of the partnership between renowned soccer player Lionel Messi and the platform. The event, which saw the participation of more than 1000 people, aimed to raise funds for the charitable organization Club Caacupé, a sports club for youth aged 12 to 17. This non-profit entity works in the southern area of Buenos Aires City with the mission of improving the quality of life for children and their families in vulnerable situations.

During the event, attendees enjoyed various games related to the legendary number ten of the Argentine National Team, as well as football challenges in which more than 400 people participated. The winners of the challenges received various prizes. Each goal scored by the participants translated into a donation of $3; in total, more than US$4,000 was raised among the attendees, a significant amount that will contribute to supporting the local children beneficiaries of Club Caacupé.

The donation was made by Bitget to Club Caacupé is a non-profit organization in Bueno Aires, Argentina aiming to improve the quality of life for children in underprivileged situations. The initiative also featured renowned influencers such as Candelaria ‘Cande’ Mofelse, Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Castañares, Joaquín ‘pollo’ Álvarez, Luli Fernández, among others, contributing to the games and being part of them.

Maximiliano Hinz, Bitget’s head of growth for Latin America and Spain, expressed that “we are proud to have been able to contribute to such a noble cause and to have seen the positive impact we have achieved together with the community. We will continue to be committed to initiatives that generate positive change in society.”

Mayelana neBitget

Umi 2018, I-Bitget oholayo emhlabeni cryptocurrency exchange kanye nenkampani ye-Web3. Isebenzela abasebenzisi abangaphezu kwezigidi ezingu-25 emazweni nasezifundeni ezingu-100+, i-Bitget exchange izinikele ekusizeni abasebenzisi ukuthi bahwebe ngobuhlakani ngesici sayo sokuqala sokuhweba ngamakhophi nezinye izixazululo zokuhweba. Ngaphambilini eyayaziwa ngokuthi i-BitKeep, I-Bitget Wallet iyisikhwama semali se-crypto esisezingeni lomhlaba esihlinzeka ngezixazululo nezici eziningi ze-Web3 ezihlanganisa ukusebenza kwe-wallet, ukushintshana, i-NFT Marketplace, isiphequluli se-DApp, nokunye. I-Bitget ikhuthaza abantu ukuthi bamukele i-crypto ngokusebenzisana nozakwethu abathembekile, okuhlanganisa nenganekwane yebhola lezinyawo wase-Argentina uLionel Messi kanye nomhleli osemthethweni wemicimbi ye-eSports PGL.  

Ukuze uthole olunye ulwazi, vakashela: Iwebhusayithi | Twitter | yocingo | I-LinkedIn | I-Discord | I-Bitget Wallet

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Rachel Cheung
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