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I-Market Insights Podcast - Ingozi yempi yemali, i-US PCE, i-CPI yanyanga zonke ye-AU ewashini - MarketPulse


OANDA Senior Market Analyst Kelvin Wong joins Jonny Hart to discuss this week’s key economic data and events. A relatively quieter week versus last week’s  major central banks’ galore as we head into the Easter holiday with several key events and economic data to take note.

Firstly, risk of currency war is lingering around the horizon after China central bank, PBoC’s move to weaken the onshore Chinese yuan daily fixing on last Friday, 22 March that led the offshore yuan (CNH) to tumble by -0.8% against the US dollar to hit a two-week low. This move seems to be a deliberate attempt to maintain some form of exports’ competitiveness for China after the surprise rate cut from SNB ahead of the Fed, and ECB that has occurred on Thursday, 21 March that triggered a bout of US dollar strength resurgence. A further weakening of the yuan may spark the revival of currency war vibes as major exporters such as South Korea, and Singapore join in the bandwagon to weaken their domestic currencies against the US dollar which in turn increases the odds of a global risk off episode.

Lastly, we have the release of Australia’s monthly CPI data for February on Wednesday, 27 March, and the all important closely watch US PCE inflation data out on Friday, 29 March.

Okuqukethwe okwezinjongo zolwazi olujwayelekile kuphela. Akusona iseluleko sokutshala izimali noma isixazululo sokuthenga noma ukuthengisa izibambiso. Imibono ngababhali; hhayi ngempela eye-OANDA Business Information & Services, Inc. nanoma yiziphi izinhlaka zayo, izinkampani ezingaphansi kwayo, izikhulu noma abaqondisi. Uma ungathanda ukukhiqiza kabusha noma ukusabalalisa kabusha noma yikuphi okuqukethwe okutholakala ku-MarketPulse, i-forex ewina umklomelo, impahla kanye nokuhlaziywa kwezinkomba zomhlaba jikelele kanye nensizakalo yesayithi yezindaba ekhiqizwe yi-OANDA Business Information & Services, Inc., sicela ufinyelele okuphakelayo kwe-RSS noma usithinte ku- [i-imeyili ivikelwe]. Vakashela https://www.marketpulse.com/ ukuze uthole okwengeziwe mayelana nokushaya kwezimakethe zomhlaba. © 2023 OANDA Business Information & Services Inc.

Kelvin Wong

Uzinze e-Singapore, u-Kelvin Wong ungusomaqhinga omkhulu emhlabeni wonke osungulwe kahle oneminyaka engaphezu kwe-15 yokuhweba futhi ehlinzeka ngocwaningo lwemakethe ngokuhwebelana kwamanye amazwe, izimakethe zamasheya, kanye nezimpahla.

Enentshisekelo yokuxhuma amachashazi ezimakethe zezimali nokwabelana ngemibono mayelana nokuhweba nokutshalwa kwezimali, u-Kelvin Wong unguchwepheshe ekusebenziseni inhlanganisela eyingqayizivele yokuhlaziya okuyisisekelo nobuchwepheshe, okukhethekile nge-Elliott Wave kanye nokuma kokugeleza kwezimali, ukukhomba amazinga abalulekile okubuyela emuva kwezezimali. izimakethe.

Ukwengeza, kule minyaka eyishumi edlule, u-Kelvin uye waqhuba amasemina amaningi emakethe kanye namasemina ahlobene nokuhweba, kanye nezifundo zokuqeqeshwa kokuhlaziywa kobuchwepheshe, ezinkulungwaneni zabadayisi bezitolo.

Kelvin Wong

Okuthunyelwe kwakamuva kuka-Kelvin Wong (bona konke)


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