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I-Crypto Whale Ilahlekelwa U-$4,500,000 Izama Ukusebenzisa I-Ethereum ende (ETH) Kabili: Lookonchain - The Daily Hodl


A crypto whale recently lost more than $4.5 million attempting to long Ethereum (I-ETH) twice, according to the digital asset tracker Lookonchain.

Lookonchain amanothi the whale lost $500,000 on their first attempt to long the top smart contract platform, then lost a lot more on their second try.

“This whale sold all 10,701 ETH ($33 million) on Binance to repay debt two hours ago, losing more than $4 million again!

He went long ETH by depositing ETH on Compound and borrowing USDT to buy more ETH.”

Inhlanganisela (Comp) is a decentralized lending platform.

Lookonchain amanothi that other whales are accumulating Ethereum. One withdrew 10,000 ETH worth $31.5 million from Binance on Monday and staked it into the decentralized finance (DeFi) project Pendle (I-PENDULUM) and Renzo, a liquid restaking token for EigenLayer. EigenLayer is a restaking protocol built on ETH.

The other whale withdrew 5,282 ETH worth $48.2 million from the crypto exchanges Binance and OKX on Monday.

ETH is trading at $3,093 at time of writing. The second-ranked crypto asset by market cap is down nearly 12% in the past week and more than 14% in the past month.

Ethereum is also more than 36% down from its all-time high of $4,878, which it set back in November 2021, according to CoinGecko

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Ukuzikhulula: Imibono evezwe kuDaily Hodl akusona izeluleko zokutshala imali. Abatshalizimali kufanele benze ukukhuthala kwabo ngaphambi kokwenza noma yikuphi ukutshalwa kwemali okuyingozi enkulu kwiBitcoin, i-cryptocurrency noma impahla yedijithali. Uyaziswa ukuthi ukudluliselwa kwakho nokuhweba kusengozini yakho, futhi noma yikuphi ukulahlekelwa ongakuthola kungumthwalo wakho wemfanelo. I-Daily Hodl ayikukhuthazi ukuthengwa noma ukuthengiswa kwanoma yiphi i-cryptocurrencies noma impahla yedijithali, futhi ne-The Daily Hodl ingumeluleki ngokutshalwa kwezimali. Uyacelwa ukuthi uqaphele ukuthi iDaily Hodl ibamba iqhaza kwezentengiso ezihambelana nayo.

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