I-Generative Data Intelligence

I-Bitget ibala i-TON Fish (INHLANZI), i-memecoin entsha ku-TON Blockchain - CoinJournal


Victoria, Seychelles, Mashi 25, 2024, Chainwire

I-Bitget, a leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, is excited to announce the listing of TON Fish (FISH), the first non-foundation social meme coin in the TON ecosystem. TON Fish is making waves in the crypto community, with its token experiencing rapid growth in both volume and price since February. Today, the trading volume has surged to $3.27 million, with 2,232 transactions in the past 24 hours and over 19,000 holders.

TON Fish is designed to provide users with a unique opportunity to engage with the TON ecosystem before large-scale liquidity is introduced. As the first meme coin of its kind on the TON public chain, TON Fish is pioneering a new era of social meme coins within the TON ecosystem. Its listing on Bitget opens up exciting opportunities for traders and enthusiasts to participate in the growing TON ecosystem and experience the innovation it has to offer.

With the increasing popularity of social meme coins and the rising interest in the TON ecosystem, the listing of TON Fish on Bitget marks a significant milestone for both platforms. Bitget is committed to providing its users with access to innovative projects like TON Fish, further solidifying its position as a leading platform for cryptocurrency trading and investment. Join Bitget today to start trading TON Fish and explore the possibilities of the TON ecosystem.

Bitget has consistently expanded its market share in both spot and derivatives trading among centralized exchanges. With a focus on providing users with opportunities to invest in popular and valuable projects, Bitget’s spot market has seen significant growth. In 2023 alone, the platform added over 350 new listings, further diversifying investment options for users. Meanwhile, Bitget Wallet supports over 100 mainnets and 250,000+ tokens. Its on-chain trading function Bitget Swap enables cross-chain trading between nearly 30 mainnets.

Mayelana neBitget

Umi 2018, I-Bitget oholayo emhlabeni cryptocurrency exchange kanye nenkampani ye-Web3. Isebenzela abasebenzisi abangaphezu kwezigidi ezingu-25 emazweni nasezifundeni ezingu-100+, i-Bitget exchange izinikele ekusizeni abasebenzisi ukuthi bahwebe ngobuhlakani ngesici sayo sokuqala sokuhweba ngamakhophi nezinye izixazululo zokuhweba. Ngaphambilini eyayaziwa ngokuthi i-BitKeep, I-Bitget Wallet iyisikhwama semali se-crypto esisezingeni lomhlaba esihlinzeka ngezixazululo nezici eziningi ze-Web3 ezihlanganisa ukusebenza kwe-wallet, ukushintshana, i-NFT Marketplace, isiphequluli se-DApp, nokunye. I-Bitget ikhuthaza abantu ukuthi bamukele i-crypto ngokusebenzisana nozakwethu abathembekile, okuhlanganisa nenganekwane yebhola lezinyawo wase-Argentina uLionel Messi kanye nomhleli osemthethweni wemicimbi ye-eSports PGL.

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Rachel Cheung
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