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Amathokheni e-Bitget Lists BigPump (PUMP) akhelwe ku-ecosystem ye-BNBCain


Victoria, Seychelles, Mashi 26, 2024, Chainwire

I-Bitget, ehamba phambili emhlabeni cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has listed PUMP tokens from the BNBChain ecosystem. The PUMP tokens have marked history by raising one of the biggest token presales on BakerySwap worth $280M and currently stands as one of the fastest growing memecoins. PUMP tokens are currently listed on Bitget Spot and are available to trade and transfer.

The trending memecoin is built on BNBChain, and as of now runs on a growing community. BNBChain is a community-driven blockchain ecosystem of Layer-1 and Layer-2 scaling solutions. It delivers core infrastructure necessary for future public adoption in a permissionless and decentralized environment. Usually, projects built on BNBChain can be traded on DEXs such as PancakeSwap, but with Bitget’s revamped Innovation zone, such small cap DeFi projects can now be accessible on Bitget Spot.

PUMP’s listing on Bitget’s innovation zone makes it easier for users to dive into the initial launch phases of the token including more upcoming high-potential crypto projects. Designed for the trading of new token offerings, the innovation zone is mainly for trending tokens (initial) listing, a 60-day valuation period is given for all the newly listed pairs in the zone. The newly listed tokens will be regularly reviewed to ensure that the token adheres to Bitget’s platform standards, including trading volume, liquidity, the team, project development, and other criteria to keep the listing status active.

Bitget’s Innovation Zone provides exclusive access to select, high potential digital assets, including the newly listed PUMP tokens. This initiative enables users to participate early in token launches, potentially yielding significant returns. Bitget features a range of emerging DeFi projects with a focus on interoperability, SocialFi, Artificial Intelligence, GameFi and more.

For more information on DeFi tokens, users can Ukuvakashela.

Mayelana neBitget

Umi 2018, I-Bitget oholayo emhlabeni cryptocurrency exchange kanye nenkampani ye-Web3. Isebenzela abasebenzisi abangaphezu kwezigidi ezingu-25 emazweni nasezifundeni ezingu-100+, i-Bitget exchange izinikele ekusizeni abasebenzisi ukuthi bahwebe ngobuhlakani ngesici sayo sokuqala sokuhweba ngamakhophi nezinye izixazululo zokuhweba. Ngaphambilini eyayaziwa ngokuthi i-BitKeep, I-Bitget Wallet iyisikhwama semali se-crypto esisezingeni lomhlaba esihlinzeka ngezixazululo nezici eziningi ze-Web3 ezihlanganisa ukusebenza kwe-wallet, ukushintshana, i-NFT Marketplace, isiphequluli se-DApp, nokunye. I-Bitget ikhuthaza abantu ukuthi bamukele i-crypto ngokusebenzisana nozakwethu abathembekile, okuhlanganisa nenganekwane yebhola lezinyawo wase-Argentina uLionel Messi kanye nomhleli osemthethweni wemicimbi ye-eSports PGL.

Ukuze uthole olunye ulwazi, vakashela: Iwebhusayithi | Twitter | yocingo | I-LinkedIn | I-Discord | I-Bitget Wallet

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