I-Generative Data Intelligence

I-Bitget Lists BeFi Labs (BEFI) inweba i-BRC20 Ecosystem Zone


[PRESS RELEASE – Victoria, Seychelles, March 25th, 2024]

I-Bitget, ehamba phambili emhlabeni cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has listed BeFi Labs based BEFI tokens in its BRC20 zone, which includes trending tokens on the Bitcoin Ordinals chain. The BEFI tokens have been listed on spot and are now open for trading on the Bitget exchange.

The BRC20 based multichained ecosystem BeFi, brings Bitcoin Ordinals and the vast WEB3 ecosystem on one platform. BeFi Labs is working on CeDefi innovation connecting the convergence of Web3 users into the expansive I-BRC20 ecosystem. With the integration of leading wallets such as I-Bitget Wallet, MetaMask, Unisat, and others. BeFi Labs facilitates instantaneous and zero fee trading of BRC20 tokens. This also compliments Bitget’s recent move of making Bitcoin and Ethereum trading free for its users.

“Blockchain infrastructure inherently comes with layers of complexities difficult for new users to penetrate. The trending BRC20 ecosystem has garnered interest worldwide and products building on top of it are being hotlisted due to the gains. At Bitget, our focus is to make such high potential DeFi projects available to all our users,” said UGracy Chen, uMqondisi Ophethe kwa-Bitget.

BeFi Labs aims to simplify blockchain finance complexities, making BRC20 markets accessible and enriching for the masses. It ensures accessible entry to the evolving digital economy for users from diverse blockchain backgrounds. The participants of the ecosystem get multiple advantages such as the BEFI token holders can execute trades with low to zero transaction fees. The token also serves as the means to pay in-app fees within the platform enabling its utility. In addition to this, BEFI token holders gain early access to upcoming projects and have the ability to participate in platform governance through voting mechanisms.

The sustained prosperity of the Bitcoin ecosystem, fueled by technological advancements, has laid the groundwork for Bitcoin’s prominence in 2024, as its value gradually becomes recognized by the market. Bitget is rapidly expanding its spot listings with projects built on the Bitcoin ecosystem. Bitget is committed to supporting the BRC-20 ecosystem and its innovative high-potential projects. To bring better accessibility to the Bitcoin ecosystem to the masses, Bitget’s innovation zone lists trending tokens, granting exceptional access to highly valuable digital assets within the industry.

For more information, user can Ukuvakashela.

Mayelana neBitget

Umi 2018, I-Bitget oholayo emhlabeni cryptocurrency exchange kanye nenkampani ye-Web3. Isebenzela abasebenzisi abangaphezu kwezigidi ezingu-25 emazweni nasezifundeni ezingu-100+, i-Bitget exchange izinikele ekusizeni abasebenzisi ukuthi bahwebe ngobuhlakani ngesici sayo sokuqala sokuhweba ngamakhophi nezinye izixazululo zokuhweba. Ngaphambilini eyayaziwa ngokuthi i-BitKeep, I-Bitget Wallet iyisikhwama semali se-crypto esisezingeni lomhlaba esihlinzeka ngezixazululo nezici eziningi ze-Web3 ezihlanganisa ukusebenza kwe-wallet, ukushintshana, i-NFT Marketplace, isiphequluli se-DApp, nokunye. I-Bitget ikhuthaza abantu ukuthi bamukele i-crypto ngokusebenzisana nozakwethu abathembekile, okuhlanganisa nenganekwane yebhola lezinyawo wase-Argentina uLionel Messi kanye nomhleli osemthethweni wemicimbi ye-eSports PGL.

Ukuze uthole olunye ulwazi, vakashela: Iwebhusayithi | Twitter | yocingo | I-LinkedIn | I-Discord | I-Bitget Wallet

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