I-Generative Data Intelligence

U-Jan Westerhues, Uzakwethu Wokutshalwa Kwezimali kwa-Bosch Ventures uyi-IQT yeNgqungquthela yaseHague 2024 - Ngaphakathi kwe-Quantum Technology


Jan Westerhues, Investment Partner at Bosch Ventures, is an IQT the Hague conference speaker in the Netherlands in April 2024.

By UKenna Hughes-Castleberry ithunyelwe ngomhlaka-28 Mar 2024

Jan Westerhues, a seasoned deep-tech venture capitalist and Partner at Bosch Ventures, is set to speak at the IQT the Hague conference. Westerhues brings over 15 years of experience in investment management, focusing on deep tech innovations, a domain that spans several cutting-edge technologies, including quantum computing. His tenure at Bosch Ventures, based in the Frankfurt Am Main area, Germany, underscores his pivotal role in identifying and nurturing high-potential startups poised to disrupt traditional industries with novel technologies.

Westerhues’ engagement extends beyond investment management into active participation in the governance of pioneering companies. His role as a board member at Quantum Motion, SCINTIL Photonics, and previously at Robart GmbH, as well as a board observer at IonQ Inc., showcases his commitment to steering these entities toward achieving their strategic objectives. Quantum Motion and SCINTIL Photonics, in particular, represent his foray into the quantum technology landscape, highlighting the increasing importance of quantum computing and related technologies in the portfolio of forward-looking investors. Now at Bosch Ventures, Westerhues looks back at his many different positions to inform his current investment moves.

At the IQT The Hague conference, Jan Westerhues is expected to share insights into the venture capital perspective on quantum technology investments, illuminating the criteria investors use to evaluate potential investments in this nascent but rapidly growing field. His discussions will likely cover startups’ challenges and opportunities in attracting venture capital, the importance of strategic partnerships, and the evolving landscape of quantum technology from an investment standpoint, using his work at Bosch Ventures as an example.

I-IQT The Hague 2024 ingeyesihlanu eNetherlands ingqungquthela yomhlaba wonke kanye nombukiso. I-Hague iwumcimbi we-Quantum Technology ogxile ku-Quantum Networking kanye ne-Quantum Security. Izihloko ezime mpo eziyishumi ezihlanganisa izingxoxo zephaneli ezingaphezu kuka-40 ezivela kuzikhulumi ezingaphezu kwe-100 zizonikeza abahambele umcimbi ukuqonda okujulile kwentuthuko yesimanjemanje ye-inthanethi ye-quantum yesikhathi esizayo kanye nomthelela wamanje wobuchwepheshe obuphephile be-quantum ku-cybersecurity namakhompyutha we-quantum.

Le ngqungquthela ihlanganisa abaphathi bezinkampani, osomabhizinisi, abasebenzisi bokugcina, abahlinzeki bezobuchwepheshe, abalingani bengqalasizinda, abacwaningi, kanye nabatshalizimali abasebenza ngentuthuko yamanje. I-IQT I-Hague ihlelwe yi-3DR Holdings, Ucwaningo lwe-IQT, QuTech, QIA (Quantum Internet Alliance), kanye ne-Quantum Delta NL, ezohlanganisa izinhlangano eziholayo nochwepheshe kulo mcimbi obalulekile. Ingqungquthela yango-April “ingomuntu siqu” ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuxhumana okuphezulu nezingxoxo e-Postillion Hotel & Convention Center e-Hague.

Inkomfa, i-compum computing

Bosch Ventures, IQT yaseHague, Jan Westerhues


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