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I-Pro-Crypto Congressman Ifuna Ukuqokelwa Kusomlomo Wendlu


I-US Ngeke Ibone Ukuvinjelwa Kwe-China Kuma-Cryptocurrencies, USihlalo We-Fed u-Powell utshela iCongress


Omele uTom Emmer, ongumkhulumeli oqinile we-cryptocurrency kanye nokusungulwa kwempahla yedijithali, uphonse isigqoko sakhe eringini ukuze abe isikhulumi esilandelayo seNdlu Yabamele Yase-United States. 

Lesi sinyathelo, esimenyezelwe ngo-Okthoba 20, sithole ukwesekwa kwabenzi bomthetho abahlukahlukene, okungenzeka kubonise inkathi entsha ye-crypto-friendly ku-echelons ephakeme kakhulu yamandla omthetho waseMelika.

Isikhulumi sesikhashana esiqhubekayo, Omele uPatrick McHenry, uthathe indima elandela umzuliswano wokuqala wokuvota ngo-Okthoba 17. UMcHenry ungene okwesikhashana ngemuva kokuthi owayeqokelwe esikhundleni sokuba nguSomlomo we-Republican Party, uJim Jordan, ehlulekile ukuthola amavoti adingekayo ukuze athathe lesi sikhundla. 

U-Emmer, okumanje obambe isikhundla sokuba nguNo. 3 House Republican, uvele ngokushesha njengowokuqala emncintiswaneni wokuba nguSomlomo weNdlu. Ngaphezu kwalokho, idumela lakhe njengommeli we-crypto liye labonakala emphakathini we-crypto, okuphakamisa amathemba entuthuko yezomthetho evumayo endaweni yempahla yedijithali.

Emmer’s stance on digital assets has been unwavering. He has consistently iphoqe emuva against the regulatory overreach by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and its Chair, Gary Gensler. Earlier this week, the lawmaker emphasized the need for America to embrace digital assets, describing them as a key sector in tackling the country’s ballooning debt crisis. 


“Kungakhathaliseki ukuthi iku-MN yonkana noma ezweni lonke, i-GOPMajorityWhip Emmer inokuthenjwa nenhlonipho edingekayo ukuze ihole. Ngiyaziqhenya ngokumeseka kuSomlomo. Omele u-Brad Finstad, ummeli ka-Emmer, ubhale ku-Twitter ngoMgqibelo.

Okunye ukugunyazwa okuphawulekayo kuka-Emmer kuvela kuMmeleli uKevin McCarthy, naye ngokwakhe osanda kuxoshwa esikhundleni sokuba ngusomlomo ngo-Okthoba 4. Esitatimendeni, ummeli uphonsele u-Emmer isisindo sakhe, ethi, "Ungumuntu ofanele umsebenzi. Angayihlanganisa ingqungquthela. Uyakuqonda ukuguquguquka kwengqungquthela. Uyakuqonda futhi ukuthi yini edingekayo ukuze uwine futhi ugcine iningi.”

That said, Emmer’s bid for House Speaker represents a umzuzu obalulekile in the crypto industry’s quest for regulatory clarity and support within the United States. According to Ryan Selkis, the founder of cryptocurrency research firm MessariCrypto, having crypto allies like Emmer "ingadlala indima ebalulekile ekuvikeleni imboni ye-crypto e-US" 

Ku-tweet yakamuva, u-Selkis ugcizelele isidingo esicindezelayo salokhu kusekelwa, ikakhulukazi ngenxa yesiphakamiso esizayo sikaSenator u-Elizabeth Warren sokwethula umthethosivivinywa we-anti-crypto ngaphakathi kwephakethe elizayo le-omnibus ngasekupheleni kwalo nyaka.


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