
約翰卡馬克 (John Carmack) 認為 Meta Horizo​​n 作業系統不是一個好主意


John Carmack just gave his take on Meta’s new strategy of providing its headset OS to third-party hardware companies.

If you somehow missed the news yesterday, 地平線作業系統 是 Quest 系統軟體的新名稱,Meta 也將向第三方耳機製造商提供該軟體,首先是華碩、聯想和 也有可能是LG.

But former Oculus CTO John Carmack, who architected much of the Oculus Mobile system software that eventually became the Quest system software, and soon Horizon OS, doesn’t seem to think this is such a great idea for Meta.

Meta Horizo​​n 作業系統將在華碩和聯想的耳機上運行

Meta 正在將其 Quest 軟體平台重新命名為 Meta Horizo​​n OS,並向華碩和聯想等第三方耳機製造商開放。

Carmack points out that third-parties will have to price higher than Quest, since Meta sells its hardware at cost. Carmack has repeatedly called for lower cost headsets that open up the VR market to more people. While he says Meta’s strategy will enable “boutique” headsets that push areas like resolution, field of view, or comfort, he suggests this “brings with it a tension” that Meta will no longer have the “shine of making industry leading high-end gear”, which he suggests will force Meta to focus on “novel new hardware systems from the research pipeline for their high end systems, which is going to lead to poor decisions”.

“VR is held back more by software than hardware”

But Carmack’s biggest criticism of the idea is from a software perspective. He claims the strategy will be “a drag on software development at Meta”, because the engineering resources needed to make the OS suitable for third-parties and “maintaining good communication and trying not to break your partners” will “steal the focus” of Meta’s key software engineers that would be “better spent improving the system”. This is vital, in his words, because “VR is held back more by software than hardware”.

Carmack finished his statement by suggesting “allowing partner access to the full OS build for standard Quest hardware” instead, which he claims could be done very cheaply and enable specialty applications and location-based entertainment, though he acknowledges it would be “a much lower key announcement”.

Here’s Carmack’s full statement from X:

“Meta already sells the Quest systems basically at production cost, and just ignores the development costs, so don’t expect this to result in cheaper VR headsets from other companies with Quest equivalent capabilities. Even if the other companies have greater efficiency, they can’t compete with that.

What it CAN do is enable a variety of high end “boutique” headsets, as you get with Varjo / Pimax / Bigscreen on SteamVR. Push on resolution, push on field of view, push on comfort. You could drive the Apple displays from Quest silicon. You could make a headset for people with extremely wide or narrow IPD or unusual head / face shapes. You could add crazy cooling systems and overclock everything. All with full app compatibility, but at higher price points. That would be great!

This brings with it a tension, because Meta as a company, as well as the individual engineers, want the shine of making industry leading high-end gear. If Meta cedes those “simple scaling” axes to other headset developers, they will be left leaning in with novel new hardware systems from the research pipeline for their high end systems, which is going to lead to poor decisions.

VR 受到軟體而非硬體的阻礙更多。這項舉措將拖累 Meta 的軟體開發。毫無疑問。準備整個系統進行共享,然後保持良好的溝通並盡量不破壞您的合作夥伴,這將搶走關鍵開發人員的注意力,而他們最好將精力花在改進系統上。人們很容易認為這只是增加預算的問題,但這並不是它在實踐中的運作方式——與合作夥伴共享系統並不是一個可以乾淨地剔除的成本。

Just allowing partner access to the full OS build for standard Quest hardware could be done very cheaply, and would open up a lot of specialty applications and location based entertainment systems, but that would be a much lower key announcement.”




