


比特幣 核心開發者 盧克(Luke Dashjr) has criticized the Runes protocol, suggesting it exploits a fundamental design flaw within the blockchain network.

在26月XNUMX日 發表 on X (formerly Twitter), Dashjr delineated the disparity between Ordinal Inscriptions and the Runes protocol in how they interact with the network. He clarified that while 序數 capitalize on vulnerabilities within the blockchain, the Runes protocol operates within the framework of the network’s design flaws.


「序數是一種利用比特幣核心漏洞的 9 向量攻擊,符文「只是」一種實際上在技術上遵循『規則』的 5 向量攻擊。

Ordinals are a novel form of digital assets, akin to NFTs, etched onto satoshis, which are the smallest units of Bitcoin. Their emergence last year marked Bitcoin’s foray into NFTs, sparking notable interest within the crypto community.

On the other hand, Runes are fungible tokens introduced on the day Bitcoin completed its fourth halving. Post-launch, these tokens significantly congested the network, leading to a surge in 交易費用.

Notably, Dashjr has long been critical of both asset types, asserting that they deviate from BTC’s core principles and contribute to blockchain spam. Last year, he 標記 Ordinals as a bug and spearheaded initiatives to address them through bug fixes.


鑑於他的反對,Dashjr 提出了過濾符文交易的方法。

He 說過:

「要使用 Bitcoin Knots 或 Bitcoin Core 過濾符文垃圾郵件,目前唯一的方法是在您的 bitcoin.conf 檔案中設定 datacarriersize=0(或僅在 Knots 中設定等效的 GUI 選項)。”

然而,早期跡象表明礦工並沒有聽從他的建議。最近,Dashjr 擔任 CTO 的去中心化礦池 Ocean Mining 開採 它的第一個減半區塊,超過 75% 的交易來自 Runes 協議。

In their defense, several miners cited the lucrative revenue stream from Runes transactions as their reason for processing them.




