
Polkadot 一周:Gavin Wood 在 Token2049 上推出“重大升级”JAM – Decrypt


欢迎来到 Polkadot 的 Decrypt 周,这是我们对 Polkadot 生态系统最新发展的定期综述。

At the Token2049 conference in Dubai this week, Polkadot co-founder Gavin Wood introduced a graypaper outlining the Join-Accumulate Machine (JAM), billed as “a proposal for the future of Polkadot.”

In a “major revision,” the JAM protocol would 更换 Polkadot’s Relay Chain with a “more modular, minimalistic design,” building a permissionless object environment akin to Ethereum’s smart contract environment.

“JAM will allow Polkadot to run generic “services”, smart contract logic which can process the result of execution on cores,” Polkadot founding organization the Web3 Foundation explained in a 声明.

JAM 将整合平行链服务,该服务可以运行基于 Substrate 区块链框架构建的现有平行链,这意味着开发人员仍然可以使用 Substrate 来开发和部署自己的区块链。其他技术改进包括用 Polkadot 虚拟机替换 WebAssembly。


由于 Polkadot 是一个去中心化网络,因此向 JAM 的过渡并不是一个简单的过程 既成事实, of course; should the transition to JAM be approved by the network through a 治理建议, the graypaper noted, “this protocol might also become known as Polkadot or some derivation thereof.”

在一个 鸣叫, Polkadot stated that, “The only way to interact with JAM will be with DOT,” and that no new token would be issued.

Alongside the launch of the graypaper, the Web3 Foundation announced the JAM Implementer’s Prize, a 10 million DOT prize pool “aimed at fostering diversity in the development of the JAM protocol.” The prize aims to “encourage the creation of multiple client implementations,” in a bid to enhance the network’s resilience, the Web3 Foundation added.

Polimec 公布第一波融资项目

去中心化社区驱动的融资协议 Polimec 揭开了第一波在该平台上筹集资金的项目的面纱。

Polkadot 开发平台 Apillon 是首批在 Polimec 上筹集资金的项目之一,该平台使开发人员能够使用 API 连接和拖放式 UI 创建 NFT 和其他 Web3 项目。

另一个项目 Mandala Chain 旨在使用 Substrate 构建的 EVM 兼容、开放、无需许可的公共区块链为 dapp 提供一个生态系统。 gotEM 是一个调查 DAO,它使用户能够使用去信任的、去中心化的基础设施来众筹和众包资源,用于调查和私人安全任务。

基于 Polkadot 的 Polimec 使项目能够使用链上凭证筹集资金,同时保持监管合规性。



