
Layer 3 的存在只是为了夺走以太坊的价值:Polygon Labs 首席执行官 – Unchained


Polygon Labs’ Marc Boiron says if all layer 3 networks settled on to one layer 2 then Ethereum would capture “basically no value” and the blockchain’s security would be at risk.

Polygon 首席执行官 Marc Boiron 表示,以太坊第 3 层对基础层构成了安全风险。


发布于 31 年 2024 月 11 日下午 44:XNUMX(美国东部时间)。

Layer 2 网络的兴起是去年加密货币领域的关键主题之一,但随着区块链互操作性和可扩展性成为更大的焦点,Layer 3 网络可能会开始受到关注。

第 2 层网络构建在底层区块链之上,通过将一系列链外交易组合成单个第 1 层交易,提供更便宜、更快的交易,并受益于其安全性。 

On the other hand, layer 3 networks submit transaction bundles to the layer 2 network, offering even lower gas fees given the significantly lower cost of storing transactions on a layer 2. 

对于某些人来说,这使得第 3 层网络成为最终的扩展解决方案,特别是对于托管去中心化应用程序 (dApp) 和执行自定义功能。然而,并非所有人都认同这种说法。

“I’ll say the quiet part out loud: [layer 3s] exist only to take value away from Ethereum and onto the [layer 2s] on which the [layer 3s] are built,” 说过 Polygon Labs 首席执行官 Marc Boiron 谈 X. 

He further argued that in an extreme case where all layer 3 networks settled on to one layer 2 then Ethereum would capture “basically no value” and its security would be at risk. 

Polygon Labs 是著名的第 2 层网络背后的实体,包括 Polygon 权益证明区块链和 Polygon 零知识以太坊虚拟机 (zkEVM) 汇总。 

“If Ethereum earns no fees and has no prospect of earning fees other than a tiny amount of fees from this one [layer 2], then the value of ether will drop and, when it is clear that it’ll continue to drop because there is no economic future for it, validators will no longer be willing to hold eth and, thus, no longer be willing to secure the network,” Boiron 说过.

布瓦龙的评论是在 发射 Degen Chain 是一个基于以太坊第 3 层基础构建的第 2 层网络,专为 Farcaster 社区和 DEGEN 代币而设计。到目前为止,该链的大部分生态系统活动都以模因币交易为中心。


