
减半临近,比特币价格暴跌至近 60,000 美元 – Decrypt


比特币的价格 目前,每枚代币的交易价格低于 61,000 美元,在经历了一个艰难的周末后,随着减半前的大屠杀继续造成损失,价格暴跌至近 60,000 美元。

比特币 目前 交易$ 60,266 according to data from CoinGecko, down nearly 3% over the past 24 hours. Zooming out further, Bitcoin has shed 12% of its value over the past seven days.

目前,领先的加密货币价格比 17 月份创下的近 74,000 美元的历史新高低 XNUMX%。

Bitcoin is about to undergo a major change to its code: 减半. The quadrennial event will slash miner rewards in half, thus reducing the amount of coins unloaded on the market—a feature that some Bitcoin believers say is bullish.


The sell-off comes as investors continue to cash out 流行的 比特币交易所交易基金(ETF), and after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said that the central bank needs to see more progress on the inflation front before cutting rates.

Last Friday, over $200 million in short positions 被清算, too, leading to a heavier sell-off on Saturday after Iran launched an unprecedented attack on Israel. Liquidations surged over the course of the weekend, and Bitcoin’s price suffered further as a result.

The rest of the crypto market isn’t faring well, either: Every top 20 coin and token is down over the past 24 hours and week, with 通币 being the lone exception, rising by 2% in the past day.

编辑 安德鲁海沃德








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