
内部人士透露 SEC 将在下个月拒绝以太币现货 ETF,以太坊多头面临挫折


Spot Ether ETF Hopes Fade Amid Report SEC Wants To Categorize ETH As A Security





阻止与 SEC 的互动

根据25月XNUMX日 报告 路透社熟悉潜在 ETF 发行人与美国证券交易委员会最近会议的匿名消息人士表示,该机构可能会在 5 月份的最终审查期间拒绝以太坊 ETF 现货发行。

不同的是 激烈的讨论 preceding the SEC’s approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs in January, recent talks have been one-sided. According to four industry representatives who reportedly participated in the meetings, SEC staff did not engage in substantive details about the Ethereum ETF applications.

消息人士还表示,尽管 ETF 申请人辩称,获准的现货 BTC ETF 和基于以太坊期货的 ETF 开创了先例,但 SEC 缺乏与发行人的详细讨论,这表明美国证券交易委员会即将予以否认。

VanEck, ARK Investment Management, BlackRock, Fidelity, and a slew of other issuers have 提交文书工作 with the SEC to launch ETFs that would track the price of ETH. The regulatory deadlines to decide on VanEck’s and ARK’s filings are May 23 and May 24, respectively.

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摩根大通分析师在此前的言论中表示,如果 SEC 拒绝批准现货 ETH 提案,ETF 发行人可以起诉监管机构,这可能最终导致这些产品通过法院干预获得批准。

Before the landmark approval, the SEC stonewalled spot BTC ETF filings for over 10 years. It only changed its perspective after Grayscale Investments notched a major legal win against the regulator in August 2023.


SEC ETF 被拒绝的可能性给以太坊市场蒙上了阴影,因为多头曾寄希望于现货 BTC ETF 的批准,以此作为更广泛接受加密投资产品的先兆。 

此外,有报道称美国证券交易委员会正在认真考虑将以太坊指定为证券。作为 ZyCrypto 报道 previously, the Ethereum Foundation revealed in February that it had received an inquiry from an undisclosed “state authority.” It was later revealed that it was indeed the SEC behind that request.


虽然以太坊今年的价值小幅增长了 33%,但它很难跟上比特币 47% 的涨幅以及最近创下的历史新高,这反映了市场对其面临的监管困境的情绪。

加密货币交易所 OKX 总裁洪方告诉 路透社 围绕现货 ETH ETF 批准的不确定性可能会给以太坊价格带来看跌压力。 “随着人们建立这种预期,价格面临更大的下行压力,”方断言。



