
世界币将推出名为“世界链”的新以太坊 L2 网络 – CoinJournal


  • 世界币将于今年夏天推出新的区块链“世界链”。
  • World Chain 是一条以太坊 L2 链,将与 WLD 和 World ID 集成。

Worldcoin is set to launch a new blockchain dubbed “World Chain”, according to an 公告 17月XNUMX日星期三。

WLD的价格, the native Worldcoin token rose slightly after the news. While its up 3% in the past 24 hours at $4.90 at the time of writing, its largely in negative territory after dumping from highs of $6.57 on April 12.


OpenAI 首席执行官 Sam Altman 联合创立的项目 Worldcoin 在博客文章中表示,World Chain 将是以太坊第 2 层,预计将于今年夏天上线。

虽然新的区块链将与 Worldcoin 协议和 World ID 的人格证明集成,但最终目标是使其作为社区驱动的项目独立运行。


根据今天公告的详细信息,世界链“专为超级链生态系统的可扩展性而设计”。然而,在访问区块空间时,新的 L2 将优先考虑经过验证的人类而不是机器人。


ETH 将成为原生代币,尽管用户也可以使用 Worldcoin 的代币 WLD 来支付费用。

世界币,其中 于2023年XNUMX月推出, and offered WLD tokens to people who verified their identity by scanning irises via an orb. The project has seen over 10 million people create a World ID and use the World App, the project’s native wallet.

More than 5 million people have used the orb to verify their World ID. However, the project has faced increased regulatory scrutiny since its launch, the latest cases being in Spain and 葡萄牙.


