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The 3 Best Ways AR/VR Helps In Language Learning


Is augmented reality/virtual reality the future of language learning? Every new technological trend eventually finds its way into language learning. That is exactly what is happening with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) (AR).

AR and VR (Augmented and Virtual Reality) are computer-generated simulations that incorporate real-world elements (AR) or are entirely self-contained (VR) (VR).

VR and AR have the tendency to change the way students learn languages in a variety of ways. Breaking down geographical barriers benefits AR and VR. Hence. They contribute to the modern student’s access to native speakers, facilitating experiential learning.

Below we have mentioned three different ways through which AR and VR can help you to improve your language skills.

The 3 Best Ways AR/VR Helps In Language Learning

Let’s look at three different ways this technology can be used in the language classroom.

1. Use AR For Live Translation

Considering how this AR technology is used, it’s safe to say that people didn’t learn anything previously. People had no idea, thanks to this amazing technology. If (and when) this sort of AR is merged into a commonplace wearable, it could mean entirely the end of language classes.

Nonetheless, this type of technology can be a fantastic tool in the language classroom right now. Here are a few ideas for incorporating an app like Google Translate into the classroom:

  • Create an interactive classroom display where students can practice their language skills before scanning to reveal the translation.
  • Students can use it to self-assess their own written work (typed, not hand-written)

2. VR In Memory Palaces Based On Languages

VR construction of memory palaces appears to be a natural fit. Virtual worlds can undoubtedly be used to create “living dictionaries,” which are an excellent way to engage language learners.

Numerous apps are available that can assist in this regard. However, CoSpaces Edu is the most user-friendly for students because it works on almost any platform. It also includes the ability to create virtual environments with 3aD models and text boards. It also contains images and GIFs, making the possibilities for language learners almost limitless.

Incorporating audio recordings makes this an excellent choice for the language classroom. It is because elements can be programmed to speak when a user interacts with them (via integrated block-based or JavaScript programming).

There are numerous applications for this; here are just a few examples:

  • Students create a living dictionary by recording audio of the vocabulary associated with each object.
  • Students design interactive scenes in order to review or revise critical conversational language.

3. AI Integration With VR And AR

You may not have access to VR technology right now, but AR-enabled phones/tablets are available. Some platforms now allow you to incorporate interactive language learning content into your classroom.

Among these is Mondly, which has already made a name for itself in the educational VR ecosystem. Mondly also has an AR counterpart app, which naturally flips the script in terms of asset deployment:

It is an exciting platform that combines AR, AI, and speech recognition to bring learning to life all around you. It makes no difference if you are in a classroom or at home. Their AI chatbot is particularly impressive, with remarkably lifelike conversations.

Of course, one significant advantage of this platform over the previous example is that it is not time-sensitive. As a result, you don’t have to wait for a session or schedule one yourself at a specific time.

Another intriguing title is Play2Speak’s The Secret of Puffin Cove. This short proof-of-concept experience employs artificial intelligence to allow you to navigate dialogue with the character (a wonderfully whimsical pirate). As a result, it is a unique approach to language learning. Could story-based language learning be the next big thing?

AI-enabled language learning has the potential to be a powerful tool for educators. Here are a few examples of how this type of platform could be used:

  • It can be used as an engaging homework platform and is integrated
  • Included as part of a specific unit of study (e.g., Animals). It could be used as part of an activity carousel (especially useful if you have a limited number of devices.)

Every language learner ought to have various tools and resources to aid in their language learning. And VR/AR is simply just that, another tool. So, discover today’s most in-demand languages and begin your language learning journey right away!

Source: Plato Data Intelligence:


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