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Uniunea Europeană implementează un regulament actualizat împotriva spălării banilor: este explicat impactul asupra industriei criptomonedelor – CryptoInfoNet


Ultima actualizare:
25 aprilie 2024 06:36 EDT
| 2 min citit

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Uniunea Europeană (UE) a adoptat în mod oficial un nou regulament împotriva spălării banilor (AMLR), aplicabil tuturor furnizorilor de servicii de cripto-active (CASP).

Legile ar oferi mai multe puteri Unităților de Informații Financiare (FIU) pentru a detecta și combate spălarea banilor și finanțarea terorismului.

Pentru o Wednesday’s announcement, the package of legislations would impact crypto exchanges, brokers, regulated under MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation). These laws include “enhanced due diligence measures,” after which, obliged entities including crypto-asset managers must report suspicious activities to FIUs.

“If you want to use a CASP though for buying goods & services with crypto, even outside of a regular business relationship, this CASP will need to perform customer due diligence on you – meaning verify your identity + potential additional KYC/AML measures if the transaction is above €1K,” says Patrick Hansen, Circle’s EU Strategy and Policy Director, wrote in a Tweet.

11/ If you want to use a CASP though for buying goods & services with crypto, even outside of a regular business relationship (so-called occasional transaction), this CASP will need to perform customer due diligence on you – meaning verify your identity + potential additional…

— Patrick Hansen (@paddi_hansen) Martie 24, 2024

Furthermore, a new body – Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLA) – will be established in Frankfurt. This entity will supervise the new legislation on combating money laundering, the announcement read.

Consiliul nu a adoptat încă în mod oficial legea și așteaptă publicarea în Jurnalul Oficial al UE, a adăugat acesta.

Hansen a scris o serie de tweet-uri, explicând modul în care pachetul legislativ afectează furnizorii de servicii de cripto-active din UE.

He started with blaming false news that the crypto media carried before announcing EU’s ban on anonymous crypto transactions. He further confirmed that the new AMLR law “is not a crypto regulation.”

„Este un cadru larg CSB/CFT care se aplică instituțiilor, așa-numitele „entități obligate” (OE). Toate instituțiile financiare, inclusiv CASP (furnizorii de servicii cripto-active), sunt OE.”

2/ First things first: The AMLR is not a crypto regulation.

It’s a broad AML/CFT framework that applies to institutions, so called “obliged entities” (OEs). All financial institutions, including CASPs (crypto-asset service providers), are OEs. But also non-financial institutions…

— Patrick Hansen (@paddi_hansen) Martie 24, 2024

Ce este nou pentru CASP în conformitate cu AMLR al UE?

EU has already mandated CASPs to follow standard KYC/AML procedures like customer due diligence (CDD) under existing anti-money laundering framework.

Hansen noted that there is nothing new under the new law which changes the already existing rules for CASPs. These include prohibition of services to anonymous users by custodial crypto businesses, prohibiting CASPs to provide accounts for privacy coins, among others.

„Ca atare, nici asta nu este nimic nou. Versiunile anterioare ale AMLR propuse au propus o abordare mult mai strictă, care ar fi însemnat un KYC pentru inițiatorul/beneficiarul auto-custodiei, dar și datorită eforturilor industriei s-a convenit în sfârșit asupra unei abordări bazate pe risc, cu diferite opțiuni.”

Cu toate acestea, modificarea este că Parlamentul a propus anterior un amendament pentru a limita plățile comerciantilor dintr-un portofel cu auto-custodie la 1 EUR.

“This has been removed from the final, agreed on version,” wrote Hansen. “Therefore, you will be able to use your self-custody wallets for buying goods/services in the EU without any restrictions.”

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