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യൂറോപ്പിൽ റെക്കോർഡ് ചൂട് സമ്മർദ്ദം: കാലാവസ്ഥാ പ്രതിസന്ധി രൂക്ഷമായി തുടരുന്നു - ഇക്കോവാച്ചിൻ്റെ വാർത്താക്കുറിപ്പുമായി തുടരുക


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A report has found that Europe experienced record-breaking levels of extreme heat stress in 2023. EcoWatch, a digital platform established in Ohio in 2005, focuses on sharing high-quality, science-based content related to environmental topics, including issues, causes, and solutions.

A recent report from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has found that Europe is experiencing unusually high levels of heat stress, reaching record rates.

Based on the 2023 European State of the Climate report, Europe had consistently high temperatures and above-average temperatures for 11 months in the previous year. The report also highlighted that Europe had its hottest September ever recorded in 2023.

Additionally, the report discovered that Europe is experiencing more days with heat stress and fewer days with cold stress. In 2023, there were a record-breaking number of days classified as having "extreme heat stress," which means the temperature felt higher than 46 degrees Celsius (114.8 degrees Fahrenheit).

As the amount of days with extreme heat stress is increasing, the number of deaths related to heat stress is also on the rise. A report shows that heat-related deaths in Europe have gone up by around 94% in the last two decades.

The research showed a rise in heat waves, with 23 out of the 30 most severe heat waves in Europe occurring after 2000. In addition, five of the most extreme heat waves have occurred in the last three years.

Friederike Otto, a climate scientist at Imperial College London who was not involved in the report, warned that if people keep burning oil, gas, and coal, heatwaves will become more intense and vulnerable individuals will continue to be at risk of death. She also mentioned that the number of deaths could be even greater due to emissions from fossil fuels.

A recent report highlighted various severe weather events in Europe in 2023 that were attributed to climate change. These events included a significant decrease in the volume of glaciers in the Alps, a decrease in the number of snow days in certain European regions, and unusually high sea surface temperatures around the continent.

Carlo Buontempo, who is the director of C3S, stated that in 2023, Europe experienced the biggest wildfire on record, one of the wettest years, severe marine heatwaves, and widespread devastating flooding. He emphasized the importance of data in preparing for the impacts of climate change, as temperatures are steadily rising.

In general, the report showed that Europe is experiencing the fastest rate of warming compared to other continents, with temperatures rising at a rate double that of the global average.

The report discussed some worrying information about climate change and its impact on public health, but it also highlighted positive news about the increase in renewable energy. According to the WMO, Europe achieved a new milestone with 43% of its electricity now coming from renewable sources.

The report noted that the rise in storm activity during the late fall and early winter months led to an increase in wind power production potential. Additionally, the higher levels of precipitation and river flow resulted in a boost in energy generation potential from hydropower. Certain regions in Europe also experienced above-average solar energy generation potential.

The report emphasized the significance of decreasing emissions and addressing climate change, particularly through the promotion of renewable energy sources, to prevent the escalation of heat waves, melting ice, flooding, and other severe weather events.

Mauro Facchini, who is in charge of Earth Observation at the Directorate General for Defence Industry and Space of the European Commission, stated that valuable environmental information derived from the European Union's Copernicus Earth Observation Programme is highlighting significant global changes. The data showcased in the European State of the Climate report may be concerning, but it is essential for our efforts to shift towards renewable energy, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, and achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

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