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SEC弁護士が債務箱訴訟で当局に制裁を科され辞任 – The Defiant




22月XNUMX日ブルームバーグによると レポート citing “sources familiar with the case,” SEC lawyers Michael Welsh and Joseph Watkins were given the choice to resign or face dismissal. The ultimatum came after the agency was sanctioned by a federal judge over its lawsuit against Digital Licensing Inc., a Utah-based cryptocurrency company known as Debt Box.

ウェールシュは借金箱事件の元主任弁護士を務め、ワトキンスの宣言は訴訟手続きの基礎となった。 3月、ユタ地方のロバート・シェルビー判事は、債務ボックスに対する一時的差し止め命令を取得しようとするSECの取り組みを「重大な職権乱用」であると述べた。

裁判所書類 show that Welsh formally resigned on April 15. Watkins’ status is less clear, as his LinkedIn still lists his employment with the agency.

SEC の広報担当者はコメントを控えた。


2023年50月、シェルビー判事は、投資家からXNUMX万ドルをだまし取った仮想通貨投資計画を画策した疑いで、SECの命令を受けて、Debt Box社のプリンシパルに対して資産凍結と差し止め命令を出した。

しかし、シェルビー氏は、SECがDebt Boxを提訴する際に「著しく虚偽で誤解を招く表現」を行ったと判断し、12月に資産凍結を撤回した。

However, Senate Republicans criticized the SEC in a 手紙 to its Chairman, Gary Gensler, over the case in February, calling the agency’s behavior “unethical and unprofessional” and questioning the SEC’s broader enforcement practices.

In March, Shelby 制裁 the SEC, ruling that it had “undermined the integrity of proceedings” and caused “irreparable harm” to Debt Box. Shelby also ordered the SEC to cover Debt Box’s legal costs.



「SECの仮想通貨に対する執行アプローチによる規制は、法律を忠実に適用するのではなく、むしろ業界を冷やし、恐怖と脅迫によって仮想通貨創設者を米国から追い出すことを目的としているようだ。」 ツイート Jake Chervinsky, a board member for the DeFi教育基金. “The SEC has taken big losses on a number of legal issues recently in the Ripple, Grayscale, and Coinbase cases, not to mention its thrashing in the Debt Box case.”

「米国は、ゲンスラー氏がいなくなってからずっと後も、政府機関の悲惨な政策の一部を取り上げることになるだろう。」 リップル社CEOのブラッド・ガーリングハウス氏。

The SEC has frequently brought enforcement actions against crypto firms in recent years, including leading exchanges Coinbase and Binance last June. While Binance 落ち着きました with the Department of Justice for $4.3 billion in November, Coinbase vowed to 戦い 法廷でSEC。

However, Coinbase brought its own 法的苦情 against the SEC last April, seeking that a co compel the SEC into responding to a rulemaking petition filed by the exchange in 2022. The petition requested that the SEC adhere to its formal rulemaking process to provide clear cryptocurrency regulations informed by public commentary.

The SEC rejected the petition in December, eliciting an アピール from Coinbase in March. “The SEC’s denial is arbitrary and capricious, an abuse of discretion, and a violation of the Administrative Procedures Act,” Coinbaseの最高法務責任者であるPaul Grewal氏は次のように述べています。

Two weeks ago, the SEC also issued a Wells Notice to ユニスワップラボ, the team behind the Uniswap decentralized exchange. The issuance of a Wells Notice precedes the filing of a formal lawsuit against its recipient.


