生成的データ インテリジェンス

半減期が近づくにつれてビットコイン価格が60,000万ドル近くに急落 – 復号化


  Bitcoinの価格 は現在、61,000コイン当たり60,000万XNUMXドル以下で取引されているが、大荒れの週末を経て半減期前の大惨事で損失が続いているため、XNUMX万ドル近くまで下落している。

Bitcoin 現在、 60,266ドルで取引 according to data from CoinGecko, down nearly 3% over the past 24 hours. Zooming out further, Bitcoin has shed 12% of its value over the past seven days.


Bitcoin is about to undergo a major change to its code: 半減. The quadrennial event will slash miner rewards in half, thus reducing the amount of coins unloaded on the market—a feature that some Bitcoin believers say is bullish.


The sell-off comes as investors continue to cash out 人気の ビットコイン上場投資信託(ETF), and after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said that the central bank needs to see more progress on the inflation front before cutting rates.

Last Friday, over $200 million in short positions 清算された, too, leading to a heavier sell-off on Saturday after Iran launched an unprecedented attack on Israel. Liquidations surged over the course of the weekend, and Bitcoin’s price suffered further as a result.

The rest of the crypto market isn’t faring well, either: Every top 20 coin and token is down over the past 24 hours and week, with トンコイン being the lone exception, rising by 2% in the past day.

による編集 アンドリューヘイワード








やあ! どんな御用でしょうか?