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Metaverse mætir lúxus tísku: ALTAVA Group er í samstarfi við sandkassann til að setja á markað einkarétt NFT safn fyrir bæði Metaverse


Seoul, Korea, Mar 17, 2022 – (ACN Newswire) – ALTAVA Group is proud to announce the partnership with the Sandbox to launch exclusive NFT collection for both metaverse. THERE’S no denying that the metaverse and Web3 is a big deal right now and a new collaboration is about to elevate the luxury fashion industry to new heights within this fascinating arena. ALTAVA Group, a metaverse company that stands at the intersection of technology and fashion, are incredibly excited to announce their partnership with metaverse gaming giant The Sandbox to launch an exclusive NFT collection.

Hvað gerir samstarfið svona einstakt? Það mun veita þeim sem kaupa NFT safnið á NFT markaðnum möguleika á að nota það í bæði The Sandbox og ALTAVA Worlds of You metaverse. Samstarfið mun án efa magna ALTAVA upp á enn stærri stig og stefnir í að verða besta tísku-metaversið.

The NFT collection will leverage ALTAVA’s experience of digitizing and tokenizing assets for high-end luxury brands including Balmain and Prada to create the most coveted PFP and avatars in The Sandbox metaverse for the lucky owners.

ALTAVA also purchased LAND on The Sandbox where users will be able to interact with ALTAVA’s partners, including some of the world’s most famous and sought-after fashion brands. This will allow PFP characters to play mini games and participate in exclusive NFT/product drops with some of their most highly desired brands in the fashion industry within The Sandbox. The LAND purchase will even offer opportunities for a Luxury Fashion Town, art exhibition spaces, galleries and fairs.

Sebastien Borget, annar stofnandi The Sandbox segir: “We believe that ALTAVA x The Sandbox Exclusive Season 1 NFT Collection and their upcoming ALTAVA LAND in The Sandbox will add a unique luxury fashion experience to our rapidly expanding community and ecosystem.”

Partnering with The Sandbox marks a huge milestone in ALTAVA Group’s journey and will feature a number of enticing benefits in its own high-fidelity metaverse; ALTAVA Worlds of You, including the ALTAVA Market. Here, users will be able to interact, purchase, and resell tokenized luxury fashion products as well as using their NFT and avatars.

One of the hottest talking points in blockchain and the metaverse is the concept of interoperability – the ability to unify economies, avatars and systems across worlds. This is also what makes the ALTAVA and The Sandbox partnership so cutting-edge.

Andy Ku, forstjóri ALTAVA Group segir: “We expect to be able to create a real-life case of interoperability, which is one of the biggest topics in blockchain and metaverse. We will continue to expand to other blockchain-based metaverse, starting with collaboration with The Sandbox.”

ALTAVA hélt farsæla einkasölu á hvítlista á NFT markaðnum sem lauk 03. mars 2022 með yfir 2000 NFT seldum.

ALTAVA x The Sandbox Exclusive Season 1 NFT Collection verður sett á markað 24. mars 2022.

Notendur geta heimsótt ALTAVA vefsíðu. 24. mars 2022 til að slá nýja safnið og selja það á Open Seas (URL).

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Media samband
Vörumerki: ALTAVA Group
Tengiliður: Jihee Cho
Sími: + 82 10 5146 9246
Tölvupóstur: [netvarið]


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