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tag: iðnaður

„Stjórn er ekki valfrjáls“ fullyrðir Charles Hoskinson þegar Cardano nálgast Voltaire áfanga

Advertisement &nbsp &nbsp Charles Hoskinson, CEO of Input Output Global and co-founder of Cardano (ADA),...

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BlockDAG forsala hækkar í 18.2 milljónir dala og 30,000x arðsemi, svífa framhjá Kelexo & Algotech með Moon Keynote kynningu

The cryptocurrency industry has become a hub of innovations, with various crypto projects seeking ways to advance their investment appeal. Amid this, BlockDAG stands...

Cardano afhjúpar nýtt stjórnarfarsmódel með bráðabirgðastjórnarskrá, útskýrir Frederik Gregaard

Earlier today, Frederik Gregaard, CEO of the Cardano Foundation, outlined the upcoming governance structure for Cardano, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of...

Tastytrade er í samstarfi við óvenjulega hvali fyrir kaupréttarviðskipti

Hvert stefnir viðskiptaiðnaðurinn héðan | Finance Magnates Podcast...

In markets, this time is almost never different. This Bitcoin halving is different.

Guest blog by Nathaniel Whittemore (NLW)NLW is the host of Coindesk’s The Breakdown – the fastest-growing podcast in crypto. Whittemore has been a VC...

ceτi AI kaupir Big Energy Investments Inc. í nýjustu aðgerð

Hvert stefnir viðskiptaiðnaðurinn héðan | Finance Magnates Podcast...

Horizon skipuleggur hugbúnaðar- og vélbúnaðarprófunarbeð margra framleiðenda, sem byrjar með Rigetti, skammtavélum – Inside Quantum Technology

By Dan O'Shea posted 18 Apr 2024 Horizon Quantum Computing, one of the companies developing software and programming...

Warehousing/Logistics Industry Veteran Terry L. Kiesling Joins AMT as Business Development Manager

"Terry's extensive experience in industrial automation solutions will...

Sannleikurinn á bak við umsagnir tryggingar viðskiptavina á Google og Trustpilot

Customer ratings can be tricky for any business, but in the insurance industry it poses some unique challenges. For legacy insurers, who are inherently local,...

Endurjafnvægi NIST: Hvers vegna 'bati' getur ekki staðið einn

COMMENTARYAs the digital landscape grows more treacherous, companies are finally beginning to treat cybersecurity as a top operational risk. And for enterprises revising their...

Endurjafnvægi NIST: Hvers vegna 'bati' getur ekki staðið einn

COMMENTARYAs the digital landscape grows more treacherous, companies are finally beginning to treat cybersecurity as a top operational risk. And for enterprises revising their...

Yfir 1,000 smiðirnir, samstarfsaðilar, fjárfestar og áhugamenn safnast saman á alþjóðlegum viðburðum til að fagna Sui

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, April 18th, 2024, Chainwire The annual event is a culmination of Sui’s exceptional debut Over 1,000 projects, partners, investors, and enthusiasts from...

Nýjasta upplýsingaöflun


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