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PARAM Airdrop? Dulritunarpunktaherferð staðfest | BitPinas


  • PARAM Gaming is a web3 gaming platform that seeks to be an ecosystem that would pioneer the next generation of gaming through technological advancement. 
  • Alongside PARAM Gaming is the currently developing PARAM Network, which is expected to host all the transactions from the PARAM Gaming Ecosystem. 
  • The two were developed by PARAM Labs, an Abu-Dhabi-based gaming and development studio.

One of the blockchain use cases is incentivized gaming—where players can earn rewards like crypto and NFT, which have fiat value, for playing a game. 

With this use case, the emergence of web3 gaming-focused networks and projects is continually happening. Some studios are also aiming to produce AAA games that will utilize blockchain technology. 

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PARAM Brief Overview

Photo for the Article - PARAM Airdrop? Crypto Points Campaign Confirmed

PARAM Gaming ( is a web3 gaming platform that seeks to be an ecosystem that would pioneer the next generation of gaming through technological advancement. 

It is developed by PARAM Labs (, an Abu-Dhabi-based gaming and development studio. The developer claims to have expertise in producing multiplayer blockchain games, AAA design, and technology development.

Recently, PARAM Labs secured a strategic investment from Animoca Brands. Its notable products include Kiraverse, a web3 TPS; and Pixel To Poly, the leading platform for transforming 2D NFTs into 3D game-ready files for use in games like GTA V, Fortnite Creative Mode, and others. 

Alongside PARAM Gaming is the currently developing PARAM Network (, which is expected to host all the transactions from the PARAM Gaming Ecosystem. 

There will be two tokens to be launched on its ecosystem—$PARAM and $KIRABUCKS. 

$PARAM Airdrop

In its tokenomics, 55% of the total supply of $PARAM is allocated for its “Ecosystem and Community Incentives,” including airdrops. While 15% is for early users and contributors. 

According to PARAM Labs, the token generation event for $PARAM is nearing, thus, it is introducing its points system, the PARAM Points. 

The PARAM Points system will consist of 51 social tasks with corresponding points per task. Tasks include following the project’s social media accounts, engaging in its posts, and following its new activities. 

It is not yet disclosed how many $PARAM per crypto point will be earned, to join: 

  • Skref 1: Farið í
  • Skref 2: Búðu til reikning. 
  • Step 3: Do the tasks. 
  • Step 4: Monitor the new tasks. 
  • Step 5: Wait for the TGE. 

Aside from doing tasks, referring new users can also earn additional points. 

Þessi grein er birt á BitPinas: PARAM Ecosystem Confirms Crypto Points Campaign for Upcoming Token


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