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Misstu Hedera (HBAR) Rise? Helsti sérfræðingur spáir miklu endurkasti


The crypto market has been buzzing with activity, and Hedera has caught the attention of many. After a noticeable climb, speculation suggests a significant comeback could be on the horizon. One of the top analysts in the field has weighed in, predicting a strong rebound that could excite potential investors. The current bull run offers a unique backdrop for such forecasts. Insight into this potential upswing is eagerly sought after by those looking to understand the latest market trends.

BlastUP forsölu lýkur eftir nokkrar vikur, síðasti séns til að kaupa $BLP ódýrt

BlastUP forsala hefur vakið mikinn áhuga meðal dulritunaráhugamanna og náði 5 milljónum dala á mettíma. Yfir 12,000 glöggir fjárfestar hafa þegar keypt BlastUP tákn áður en verðmæti þeirra hækkar upp úr öllu valdi.

Forsala stendur til loka maí, svo það er nokkur tími til að auka dulritunareign þína með BlastUP, eigninni sem er tilbúið fyrir sprengiefni ávöxtun allt að 1000%. Eins og er, selt á nokkur bandarísk sent, er spáð að BlastUP tákn nái $10 í lok þessa árs.

Handhafar BlastUP-táknanna geta notið góðs af fjölda sérréttinda, þar á meðal þátttöku í Airdrop , einkahollustuverðlauna fyrir að taka þátt í IDO og getu til að afla vaxta með veðsetningu.

BlastUP sker sig úr hópnum í dulritunarheiminum. Stuðningur við Blast, sjötta stærsta blockchain af TVL, býður upp á ósvikið gagnsemi sem ræsipallur fyrir DApp verkefni. Með kjörorðinu sínu Vaxið hraðar, græddu meira, BlastUP er tileinkað því að knýja fram velgengni blockchain gangsetninga. Þeir sem ganga til liðs við BlastUP verða nú hluti af verkefni sem er tilbúið til að verða næsta stóra hluturinn í þessu nautahlaupi.

>> Tíminn tifar – Kauptu $BLP áður en maí lýkur! <

Hedera (HBAR) Price Overview: Recent Movements and Forecast

Hedera’s price has moved quite a bit. In a week, it rose 45.18%. But over a month, it fell slightly by 3.79%. Looking back six months, it’s up 122.15%. Right now, its price is between $0.079 and $0.095. The closest point where it might meet selling pressure is around $0.10. On the flip side, it might find buyers stepping in if it dips to $0.07. The price action is showing a mix, with recent strong gains not fitting a clear impulsive or corrective pattern.

Predicting HBAR’s future isn’t straightforward. Yes, it’s gained a lot these past six months, which could make some feel upbeat. But, there are signs that its rise might pause. It’s not far under its simple moving averages of $0.11, yet technical signals like the RSI and Stochastic suggest it’s not currently overbought or oversold. The MACD is also pretty flat, hinting at no clear direction. It could climb toward $0.10 again, or it may need to test the $0.07 support before any new moves. It has further resistance at $0.12 and support at $0.05 beyond that.


Those looking for the next big opportunity in the cryptocurrency sphere might want to consider projects beyond HBAR. While HBAR has seen impressive growth, its potential for short-term gains is less compared to some emerging names. Specifically, BlastUP stands out with considerable potential. This project’s robust concept and its integration within the Blast ecosystem make it a strong candidate for those aiming to capitalize on the ongoing bull run. Investors may find that focusing on BlastUP could lead to significant rewards.





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