Generative Data Intelligence

tag: verktaki

What Is a REST API?

REST is an acronym for Representational State Transfer — an almost meaningless description of the most-used web service technology! REST is a way...

SimpleFX Review: Heill miðlari yfirlit

SimpleFX er CFD miðlari sem hefur gert einfaldleika að kjarna tilboðs þeirra. Fljótleg og auðveld gjaldeyrisviðskipti fyrir öll færnistig. Þetta...

What WON’T Happen in Cybersecurity in 2020

Predictions are a dime a dozen. Here are six trends that you won't be hearing about anytime soon. In many cultures, a new...

Drive-Thrus and AI Autonomous Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider Last night, I used a drive-thru fast food restaurant to get my dinner and...

5 jQuery.each() Function Examples

This is an extensive overview of the jQuery.each() function — one of jQuery’s most important and most used functions. In this article, we’ll...

Ripple’s Xpring Launches Developer Engagement Program 

Xpring, the investment arm and technological incubator of cryptocurrency giant Ripple Labs, has announced a new initiative that will help bring developers together. Dubbed...

Synthetix Review: Decentralized Synthetic Asset Protocol

Synthetix er eitt áhugaverðasta Decentralized Finance (DeFi) verkefnið sem nú er í rýminu. Dreifð eignaútgáfusamskiptareglur á blockchain. Byggt...

Blockchain Expo hefur tilkynnt dagsetningar fyrir 2020 heimsseríurnar.

Leiðandi Blockchain Expo World Series hefur tilkynnt dagsetningar fyrir 2020 heimsseríuna sína. Hýsa þriggja ára alþjóðlega sýninguna okkar 17.-18. mars,...

Tim Beiko Provides Insights On Integration Of Ethereum 2.0 Network

Ethereum is one of the best blockchain networks within the crypto industry and is only rivaled by Bitcoin in terms of potential monetary...

Gerð gervigreind frumkvæði í framleiðslu oft lauslega skilgreind, niðurstöður könnunar

Eftir starfsfólk AI Trends Mörg gervigreind frumkvæði eru lauslega skilgreind, skortir viðeigandi tækni og gagnainnviði og mistekst oft að...

Dementia Drivers and AI Autonomous Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider Do you know someone that seems to be progressively forgetting things and their mind...

Stuðningur samfélagsins: Hvernig SPEAK byggir upp samfélagsupplifun

Recently, my life has changed a bit.After 7 years of staunch independence, or at least as much independence as my cats allowed me,...

Nýjasta upplýsingaöflun
