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tag: Infrastructure

Niðurstöður bitcoin ráðstefnunnar "Baltic Honeybadger 2019"

About the conference From September 14 to September 15, the largest European Bitcoin conference “Baltic Honeybadger 2019” was held in Riga. This year, more...

V SYSTEMS og X-VPN endurnýja TCP / IP til að hleypa af stokkunum Blockchain-knúinni Internet Protocol

V SYSTEMS and X-VPN have co-launched Tachyon, a blockchain-powered internet protocol. X-VPN is a leading VPN service that boasts 50 million active users, with its mobile app ranking among the top 20 globally on both Google Play and the Apple App Store. V SYSTEMS is a blockchain database project led by Sunny King, the inventor […]

V SYSTEMS og X-VPN endurnýja TCP / IP til að hleypa af stokkunum Blockchain-knúinni Internet Protocol fannst upphaflega á Blokt - Persónuvernd, tækni, Bitcoin, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency.

Hvernig dulritunarsamningar trufla fjármálaþjónustu

Lestur tími: 13 mínútur Hugbúnaður og internetið hafa haft tiltölulega lítil truflandi áhrif á fjármálaþjónustuiðnaðinn. Vissulega - væntingar neytenda hafa breyst og bankar gera það sem þeir geta til að passa við netupplifunina af mjög sérhannaðar netþjónustu sem fólk hefur vanist - en fyrirtækislíkön hafa haldið áfram. Þetta er í […]

Research: More companies turning to mainframes for blockchain initiatives

New research suggests mainframe technology is a key part of many business’ blockchain plans  Go by the standard cliché, and mainframe technology is legacy and for the past, whilst blockchain is cutting edge and the future. Never the twain shall meet. But the reality is very different, with fresh research revealing that the two are […]

The staða Research: More companies turning to mainframes for blockchain initiatives birtist fyrst á CryptoNewsReview.

Emergent Tool Notkun frá Multi-Agent Interaction

Við höfum séð umboðsmenn uppgötva sífellt flóknari verkfæranotkun á meðan þeir spila einfaldan feluleik. Með þjálfun í nýju hermdu feluleiknum okkar...

Stýrð upplýsingatækniþjónusta: Einn ábatasamasti viðskiptaþátturinn

Stjórnendur þurftu starfsmenn sína til að sjá um viðskiptamál, ekki stjórna nýsköpun. Með hjálp stýrðrar upplýsingatækniþjónustu fluttu samtökin...

Unbabel Talks: Tæknileg innsýn frá Lissabon til heimsins

Ég hef eytt mestum hluta ævinnar í að læra af öðrum. Í háskóla, fyrst sem nemandi í tölvunarfræði, og síðan sem Ph.D.

LYCEUM Takes Center Stage in Middle East Campaign

The LYCEUM threat group targets organizations in sectors of strategic national importance, including oil and gas and possibly telecommunications. The activity observed by...

Bitsgap, the Multi-Exchange Cryptocurrency Trading Platform

For traders who regularly use multiple exchanges, keeping track of open positions and market fluctuations can be a daunting task, requiring a high...

Data Science: From Algorithms to Production

Almost every company has a data science team. As a team lead, it is your responsibility to make the team effective, that is,...

The Weave – enterprise blockchain platform for a better healthcare experience

In this article we discuss shortfalls of the current healthcare information experience, and an evolutionary solution. Once we explain that solution, we’ll walk...

Notkun gervigreindar til að gefa læknum 48 klukkustunda forskot á lífshættulegum veikindum

Feedback from the qualitative study was positive, with healthcare professionals emphasising the ways in which the app accelerated the detection of patients in need, saved...

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