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tag: Siðareglur

Top 3 Crypto to invest in 2022

  FintechNews staff The cryptocurrency market has grown tremendously over the past decade. Since Bitcoin was launched in 2022, other cryptocurrencies have joined the market, and now, over 10,000 coins are available. While this large number depicts that the crypto market has grown, it has proven hard for new investors to know the best crypto […]

The staða Top 3 Crypto to invest in 2022 birtist fyrst á Fintech fréttir.

AXL til að hefja snertingu og ræsingu eftir árangursríka IDO á NFTb

AXL INU ($AXL), a decentralized ecosystem over Ethereum Chain (ETH) and Binance Smart Chain (BSC), is excited to announce the launch of its much awaited AXL launchpad and staking protocol.

In a rapid progression—a successful IDO on NFTb, one of the fastest IEOs on Bitmart, and a booming presale—AXL platform managed to raise a total of 2.1 million USD.

The Ultimate DEX platform, AXL, is teaming up with the Multi-chain Defi platform, NFTb, to bring AXL launchpad to the market, with $AXL and $NFTb as tier tokens. This will enable AXL platform to link the NFTb community with AXL Launchpad in order to deliver greater exposure to AXL ecosystem and more possibilities to join projects in their early phases of development. The launchpad will assist in bringing creative, exciting new ventures to the market.

AXL works hard to encourage, grow, and promote the listing of new and breakthrough projects, with a number of engaging upcoming projects set to be revealed shortly. The launchpad enables emerging creative projects to demonstrate their ideas to the community while also garnering support, attention, and investment.

Features of IDO Platform

AXL Launchpad

AXL launchpad will be able to operate on any coin as a tier token, allowing other projects to have their own launchpad. All they need to do is deploy a smart contract and the whole tier system will be their own token.

As of now, there will be 2 tokens, $AXL and $NFTb, as tier tokens.

AXL Launchpad Tier System

The launchpad tier mechanism is built in such a way that $AXL and $NFTb holders with a higher balance will be able to avail more advantages.

The tier system consists of 3 tiers for each token.

AXL Launchpad Tier System

$AXL Token

$NFTb Token

1st Tier

2. flokkur

3rd Tier

1st Tier

2. flokkur

3rd Tier

200,000 AXL

500,000 AXL

1,000,000 AXL

2,000 NFTb

6,000 NFTb

12,000 NFTb

12.5% apríl

17.5% apríl

22.5% apríl

10% apríl

12.5% apríl

15% apríl

7-Days Lock

7-Days Lock

7-Days Lock

3-Days Lock

3-Days Lock

3-Days Lock

All rewards will be distributed in the form of $AXL Token.

Staking Protocol

AXL platform will offer 2 plans for the staking protocol. 

  1. A fixed plan with staking periods of 1,3,6, and 12 months, w ith fixed APR and a pool limit.
  2. A flexible plan with staking period of 1,3,6, and 12 months, with flexible APR and no pool limit.

There will be a total of 4 staking pools.

  1. 2 Fixed: AXL and NFTb
  2. 2 Flexible: AXL and NFTb

Conditions for Staking Protocol

Fixed Plan

Sveigjanleg áætlun

Locking Period:

1-3-6-12 months

Locking Period:

No Locking Period


Fast apríl


Flexible APR

Pool Limit:

Pool Limit:






Early Unlock:

 2.5% refsingar









The participants of fixed staking programs will be able to participate in the Launchpad   IDOs.


Asser Fawzi, CEO and Co Founder of AXL INU, is also excited about the AXL Kickstarter. 

“We have a Kickstarter of our own just like New startups after passing the due diligence, will be able to raise up to 30K in a Private Round. Each participant will be able to buy up to 50$. So total 600 users,” sagði hann.

“What is the problem we are solving? Most new project ideas have no liquidity to start so they fail before they even get launched.”


Most project owners do not have an MM staff to assist them in liquidating their tokens or selling some for development, so AXL came up with the Starfsemi lögun.

Activities will allow different projects to sell up to 300K worth of tokens at a discounted price, plus a lottery for winning a prize in the form of tokens. Each participant will be able to take up to 150$.

This will help push the project for further development, raising non-initial funds, and increase exposure for projects.

AXL Backstory

The AXL project was developed out of a goal to provide decentralised solutions for organizations and individuals. By utilizing the Poly network bridge, the AXL platform can tackle a big problem that exchanges face.

Merging the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain blockchains, AXL is building a bridge that will allow users to unite different blockchains so that they can work with applications, products, and tokens located on different blockchains within a single ecosystem.

AXL's primary features include:

  • Liquidity Pool Providing,
  • Yield Farming Program,
  • Staking Program,
  • Launching IDO(s),
  • NFT mynting
  • Lending & Borrowing Platform

Successful IDO on NFTb and Pre-Sale

AXL INU completed its IDO on NFTb using the platform's DeFi as a service offering on  28th December 2021.  The IDO was finished in 1 minute; one of the fastest ever IDOs  on NFTb.

ALX was also able to complete its IEO on Bitmart in just 5 seconds. AXL INU commenced its pre-sale on 18th December 2021. The presale period ran through 28th December 2021 and AXL was able to raise a total of 2M USD.

AXL Vision:

The successful results of pre-sale and IDO impressed many users, which pushed AXL to expand quicker and provide even more options to their investors. To encourage investors and give them the opportunity to earn even more profit, ALX INU are introducing a staking program and launchpad.

Moreover, AXL has already covered partnership with NFTb for the NFT projects.

About AXL INU:

AXL INU is being developed as a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) on the Ethereum Chain (ETH) and the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which will enable liquidity provision, yield farming, staking, launching IDOs, NFT, and lending & borrowing. Beginning with the ecosystem's primary token, $AXL, and concluding with $AXLs as a system reward token.

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About NFTb:

NFTb is the Complete Multi-chain DeFi and NFT platform for Communities. Our mission is to help creators get comfortable and love using DeFi dApps.

NFTb offers a premium NFT marketplace where users can access buyers from anywhere around the world and multi-chains, a DeFi platform giving users access to yield farming opportunities and a launchpad created to help creators and projects to build early support.

NFTb is backed by the Binance Accelerator Fund, Rarestone Capital and Spark Digital Capital.

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Further details about AXL and NFTb collaboration are available hér

The presented numbers are not fixed and could vary depending on the future research. We reserve the right to change the policy at any given time, which will be promptly updated on the platform for user assistance. It is recommended that you do your own research before making any decision. If you want to make sure you stay up to date with the latest changes, we advise you to visit the company's official website or social networks.

NHS Warns of Attackers Targeting Log4j Flaws in VMware Horizon

An unknown threat group has been observed attacking VMware Horizon servers running versions with Log4j vulnerabilities.

Log4Shell-like security hole found in popular Java SQL database engine H2

"It's Log4Shell, Jim, but not as we know it." How to find and fix a JNDI-based vuln in the H2 Database Engine.

Best Performing Cryptocurrencies and Altcoins of 2022

Cryptocurrencies “mooned” in 2021. Not only did the major cryptocurrencies hit all-time highs but the interest and adoption of cryptocurrencies also skyrocketed. Below are the digital assets that stood out more than their peers.

The staða Best Performing Cryptocurrencies and Altcoins of 2022 birtist fyrst á Markaðsdagbók Bitcoin.

Stóru fjórir vinna að Blockchain endurskoðun

Blockchain og dulritunargjaldmiðlar innan vistkerfis þess eru enn stórkostleg bylting sem hafa haft áhrif á vöxt skaparhagkerfisins, fjölkeðjuiðnaðar, banka og fintech geira. Almennt séð hefur Blockchain vaxið í yfir 4.9 milljarða dala, þar sem sérfræðingar spá því að þessi vöxtur haldi áfram með samsettan árlegan vaxtarhraða (CAGR) upp á 68.4% til að ná 67.4 milljörðum dala árið 2026. […]

The staða Stóru fjórir vinna að Blockchain endurskoðun birtist fyrst á Quillhash bloggið.

Markaðsgreiningarskýrsla (07. janúar 2022)

Mozilla Halts Crypto Donations Following Backlash | Polygon Suffers Accidental Attack from Sunflower Farmers | Crypto Crime and Usage Soared Last Year

What is Web3Games? (W3G)

Web3Games is a blockchain gaming ecosystem that aims to bring decentralization and permissionless capabilities to more players worldwide.  Traditional games, without a doubt, have their strengths, especially in the aspect of gameplay, which is why many titles under this category have converted countless gamers into loyalists. But two major problems that remain unsolved in these […]

The staða What is Web3Games? (W3G) birtist fyrst á Asia Crypto í dag.

The past, present, and future of liquidity mining

In the present global market scenario (21st century), liquidity is becoming one of the crucial factor/s quotidians. Before 2008, liquidity majorly focused on stocks, bonds, property, etc, but since 2008 (Bitcoin’s Whitepaper entering the market) it is shifting towards digital-decentralized liquidity via blockchain and similar platforms. Needless to point out that the factors affecting the […]

The staða The past, present, and future of liquidity mining birtist fyrst á PrimaFelicitas.

2021 – what a Great Year for the WAX Blockchain

Lestur tími: 2 mínútur From the King of NFTs to the #1 Metaverse Blockchain for Gaming, NFTs and DeFi The WAX Blockchain had another great year in 2021. It rounded off the year officially celebrating more than 10 million WAX Cloud Wallets (wallets that can be simply created using social media), processing on average […]

vEmpire verður demantur styrktaraðili Blockchain-undirstaða verkefnisins 'Tenset'

-- vEmpire DDAO (, a project dedicated to restoring fairness to the Metaverse, today announced that it has become an exclusive sponsor of an innovative blockchain project and top 250 ranked token, “Tenset.” Tenset describe themselves as the world's first blockchain-based project that combines dividend shares with the best cryptocurrency projects. With the sponsorship, Tenset will provide vEmpire with marketing support and a great network of users and investors to help grow and expand vEmpire's influence and reach throughout the industry.

“Being a diamond sponsor is a great honor as it's Tenset's top sponsorship level and effectively provides their “stamp-of-approval” as a top-tier cryptocurrency project. It is also the top sponsorship level of their Infinity platform, which is a launchpad that incubates some of the industry's most promising projects,” said Dom Ryder, Founder of vEmpire. “We hope that this will enhance vEmpire's reputation and influence throughout the industry and we can't wait to continue building the future of Web3 and decentralized technologies with a project as influential and innovative as Tenset.”

Tenset is very peculiar with projects they allow to become diamond sponsors, to ensure their investor base can easily distinguish the good projects from the great. 

With this partnership, Tenset will ensure vEmpire receives exclusive marketing and networking support from Tenset to enhance vEmpire's reputation as the largest and best-decentralized Metaverse and GameFi investment organization.

This will help with vEmpire's mission of lowering the barrier to entry in GameFi and Metaversal protocols.

Um vEmpire:

vEmpire einbeitir sér að því að ná raunverulegri valddreifingu og halda DAO ábyrga. Opinberi vettvangurinn okkar felur í sér mismunandi veðsetningaraðferðir til að hvetja Metaversal token veðsetningu til að flýta baráttunni gegn miðstýringu í dulritunarversinu. Samskiptareglur okkar umbuna MANA, SAND, AXS, STARL og ETH aðila með innfæddu tákninu okkar VEMP, ásamt verðlaunum í tákninu sem þeir lögðu í. vEmpire gerir dulritunaráhugamönnum kleift að vinna sér inn fjárhagsleg umbun fyrir eign sína á sama tíma og hjálpa til við að tryggja að mikilvægu dulritunarverkefnin geti áttað sig á raunverulegum möguleikum þeirra í stað þess að vera notaðir sem peningakýr af miðlægum aðilum. 

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Media samband:

vEmpire DDAO Ltd, [netvarið]

Everything You Need to Know About Unique Network’s Token Sale ($UNQ)

Lestur tími: 3 mínútur Unique Network’s UNQ and its token sale will commence via a Whitelisted round on 11th January before a Public Round on the 12th. Unique Network, the next-generation NFT chain for Polkadot and Kusama, is one of the most advanced and powerful NFT chains of the moment. Not only is it […]

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