Generative Data Intelligence

tag: Mynd

How to Develop an Imbalanced Classification Model to Detect Oil Spills

Tweet Share Share Many imbalanced classification tasks require...

Why Is Imbalanced Classification Difficult?

Tweet Share Share Imbalanced classification is primarily challenging...

Best Crypto Tax Software: Top 8 Tax Tools for Crypto

Ben Franklin said the only thing in life that’s certain is death and taxes, and while cryptocurrencies wouldn’t be created for another 240...

Foreign language anxiety: is it getting on your nerves?

These days, I walk two blocks to work every day.Every day, I stop at the same café for the same drink on the...

Here’s why your support team should have a knowledge manager

You’re probably familiar with the feeling. Maybe it was on your very first day at work, or the last time you were promoted....

Skoðun: gervigreind og vélanám munu knýja bæði netbrot og vörn árið 2020

Gervigreind og vélanám lofar góðu fyrir bæði varnarmenn og árásarmenn, sem gerir það að einni mikilvægustu öryggisþróun til að...

Practical Ways to Advance Your TypeScript Skills

As a programmer, it can feel like you know something well enough to be dangerous. For some situations, this is fine. All you...

Machine Learning Pipelines: Setting Up On-premise Kubernetes

In this multi-part series, I’ll walk you through how I set up an on-premise machine learning pipeline with open-source tools and frameworks.Prologue: Model...

Using artificial intelligence to enrich digital maps

A model invented by researchers at MIT and Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) that uses satellite imagery to tag road...

Pair Programming: Benefits, Tips & Advice for Making it Work

Pair Programming — a pair that’s greater than the sum of its parts. You may have heard about pair programming and wondered whether...

Breath In #Agile

If you’re not reading my other “Chasing Psychological Safety” newsletter then let me say: Happy New Decade! (applies if you are reading both...

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