Generative Data Intelligence

tag: pallur

15 Best Online Shopping Apps

  With the development of technology, online shopping sites have been constantly growing their marketplace all over the world. In this busy world, most of the consumers […]

The staða 15 Best Online Shopping Apps birtist fyrst á USM.

CMS, Cooley, Rajah & Tann Launch ‘Universal Adapter’ Lupl Collaboration Platform

Three international law firms, CMS, Cooley and Rajah & Tann Asia, working with input from an advisory board of 16 leading in-house lawyers from large companies, have launched Lupl, a massive ...

Kraftur kóðun án kóðun: Á bak við tjöldin í vírusvarnarherferð Alephs

How we built an automatic matching machine to connect talent to startups that are hiring — with zero lines of code.In mid-March, the...

The Legal Access Challenge: LawTech, Learnings + Legacy

By Chris Gorst, Director of Challenges, Nesta Challenges In these tumultuous times it is hard enough to remember what was happening 18 days ago, let ...

Binance Expands: Invests Indonesia-based Regulated Exchange

It seems that almost every week, Binance is pushing and expanding into some new field, technology, company, or country. Its most recent such venture is [...]

The staða Binance Expands: Invests Indonesia-based Regulated Exchange birtist fyrst á

21 nefndarmaður til að stjórna stjórn Neo í útgáfu 3

Þar sem Neo er að spá í að nýjustu endurtekningin hennar - Neo3 - verði hleypt af stokkunum - Neo21 - útskýrði stofnandi þess og forstjóri Da Hongfei hvað nýjasta uppfærslan mun færa vistkerfinu. Stærsta breytingin á Neo, fyrir utan samþættingu ýmissa auðkenningarþjónustu, mun koma í formi nýs stjórnkerfis, þar sem XNUMX nefndarmenn verða kosnir af […]

The staða 21 nefndarmaður til að stjórna stjórn Neo í útgáfu 3 birtist fyrst á CryptoSlate.

AMTD, MAS, SFA fund S$6 million in fintech grants

The Monetary Authority of Singapore, Singapore FinTech Association (SFA), AMTD Group and its affiliated AMTD Foundation announced the launch of a S$6 million...

U.S. Department of Defense to Use Blockchain-Enabled Platform to Safeguard Confidential R&D Data

Green blockchains connected
According to a press release issued on May 12, 2020, cloud-based smart contract as a service (ScaaS) platform SIMBA Chain has been awarded a contract by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to develop a single, blockchain-powered proof-of-concept to secure sensitive R&D data. SIMBA Chain to Provide Secure Cloud-Based Data Sharing Platform In a bid
Lestu meiraLestu meira. Færslan eftir Aisshwarya Tiwari birtist fyrst á BTCManager, Bitcoin, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency News

Coronavirus, Data Privacy & the New Online Social Contract

How governments can protect personal privacy in contact tracing while saving peoples' livesWhen Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote The Social Contract in 1762, he argued...

HOLT CAT velur Augmentir til að knýja fram nýsköpun og bæta skilvirkni starfsmanna í þjónustu- og viðgerðarstarfsemi sinni

Fyrirtækið notar Augmentir's AI-knúna Connected Worker vettvang til að flýta fyrir inngöngu nýrra tæknimanna og loka færnibilum í rauntíma HORSHAM, PA...

BHP Billiton lýkur fyrstu tilkynntu járnviðskiptum í gegnum Blockchain

BHP Billiton, námurisinn, hefur lokið fyrstu viðskiptum sínum í Yuan með járngrýti með því að nota blockchain tækni. Viðskiptin fóru fram á milli kl [...]

The staða BHP Billiton lýkur fyrstu tilkynntu járnviðskiptum í gegnum Blockchain birtist fyrst á

A developer’s guide to building a WhatsApp chatbot

Long ago, I built a web app for an enterprise (200k+ employees). Feedback on the web app prompted me to do an experiment. What would happen if I were to create a WhatsApp chatbot to solve the specific use case, instead of a web app? Would people like it better? Would it be more useful? But the story is much bigger than that. Chatbots have so much potential! In this WhatsApp chatbot tutorial, I wanted to share my learning journey, best practices I discovered, and my predictions on the app vs. chatbot question. And beyond: Will chatbots one day replace all traditional…

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