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tag: tákn

SEC’s Hester Peirce: Three-year time period adequate to prove token legitimacy

For the longest while, the United States’ Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the cryptocurrency ecosystem have been at loggerheads. The fact that...

Block.One Voice Social Network Beta fer í beinni

Block.One, fyrirtækið á bak við EOS blockchain, kynnir Voice blockchain byggt samfélagsnet sitt í dag á Valentínusardaginn....

Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings segir að Tezos (XTZ) sé í eldi eftir að hafa fengið yfir 190% á síðustu 5 vikum

Auglýsing Verð á Tezos hefur verið á niðurleið á þessu ári þar sem dulmálseignin hefur hækkað um meira en 190% á síðasta...

TRON Foundation Partners With Blockchain-Powered Social Media Platform Steemit

On Friday (February 14), TRON Foundation and blockchain-powered social media platform operator Steemit Inc. (was founded in 2016 by Ned Scott and Dan Larimer) announced a...

This Social Network Wants to Pay You (in Crypto) to Do Good

Last June, at a swanky, strobe-lit event in Washington, DC, Brendan Blumer, the 33-year-old CEO of a blockchain company called, unveiled a...

Bitcoin ‘Lambo Line’ Indicator Suggests Bull Market Inbound

According to a blog post from ChartStar, the number of ‘Lambo’ mentions on Reddit turns out to be...

Cryptocurrency Boosts Illicit Gambling on Asian Soccer Leagues

Cryptocurrencies are making gambling on the world’s most popular sport easier, sports authorities suggest.Asian soccer has seen a sharp decline in match-fixing over...

Crypto-spilarar eyddu 1 milljón dala í sýndarland í þessari viku

Crypto hefur lengi verið talið eðlilegt að passa fyrir leikja- og sýndareignaskipti. Þetta notkunarmál fyrir...

Confirmed: Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) Support Coming to Next Generation of Samsung Smartphones – The Daily Hodl

The world’s largest smartphone vendor, electronics giant Samsung, has confirmed that support for cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), is coming to... Launches Mint, a Token Creation Platform Set to Ignite a Whole New Ecosystem

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Crypto-tech powerhouse has announced the launch of Mint, a free platform that empowers anyone to create tokens quickly and easily. Combined...

Aðferðir við innfellingu skjala

Word embedding — the mapping of words into numerical vector spaces — has proved to be an incredibly important method for natural language...

Google-Backed Hedera Hashgraph Sees 300% Rally, Risks Bubbling Out

Bitcoin’s markets have a far more significant effect on the crypto industry’s markets, as a whole. Being the brand of Crypto, Bitcoin’s new...

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