Generative Data Intelligence

tag: höfðingi

Tether kynnir USDT Stablecoin á Algorand Blockchain

Leiðandi stablecoin rekstraraðili Tether kynnti stablecoin USDT með stuðningi Bandaríkjadala á Algorand proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain.Í fréttatilkynningu þann 10. febrúar, Tether...

XRP verðspár fyrir árið 2020 – Hvað finnst sérfræðingunum?

XRP er vægast sagt eitt dularfullasta dulmálsverkefnið í öllu dulritunarhagkerfinu. Annars vegar enginn skortur á...

Crypto Mom vill vernda dulmál gegn árásargjarnum SEC reglugerðum 

Hester M. Pierce, framkvæmdastjóri hjá bandaríska verðbréfa- og kauphallarnefndinni (SEC), er að efla starf sitt fyrir dulritunargeirann,...

Iowa vote tally app debacle should inform security, tech in future elections

Iowa Democrats have struggled to declare a clear winner in this week’s caucuses – the DNC chairman just called for a recanvassing...

Frá 1s & 0s til Wobbly Lines: The Radio Frequency (RF) Security Starter Guide

Although radio frequency energy (RF) communications are increasingly essential to modern wireless networking and IoT, the security of RF is notoriously lax. (image...

Rometty Out sem forstjóri IBM; Ásókn í gervigreind í læknisfræði með Watson Health a Legacy

By AI Trends Staff Ginni Rometty has announced she is stepping down as CEO of IBM in April after an eight-year...

GSA eining kynnir gervigreindarsamfélag til að auka ættleiðingu stofnunar

By AI Trends Staff The General Services Administration’s Technology Transformation Services (TTS) unit has launched an AI community of practice (AI...

How Anthem is using blockchain technology to free up members’ data – FierceHealthcare

Anthem is betting big on blockchain.The insurance giant has several pilots of the technology—which enables encryption of medical data and ensures the privacy of healthcare...

Mojo Vision sýnir XR snertilinsu

Charlie FinkFylgdu 6. febrúar 2020·3 mín lesin Vísindaskáldskapur er aftur orðinn vísindastaðreynd þar sem Mojo Vision, laumufyrirtæki í Silicon Valley sem hefur safnað yfir $100...

CISOs burdened by unhealthy stress levels, survey study finds

In a recent survey of 400 U.S.- and UK-based chief information security officers, an overwhelming number, 88 percent, said they find themselves under a...

Air Force Selects Fluree’s Data Management Platform to Support Secure, Distributed Global Communications for the Department of Defense

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fluree, provider of a blockchain-backed data platform, today announced it has won a contract from the United States Air Force (USAF)...

Nanox Signs Strategic Collaboration Agreement With USARAD for the Deployment of 3,000 Nanox Systems in the U.S.

NEVE ILAN, Israel & FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NANO-X IMAGING LTD (“Nanox” or the “Company”), an innovative medical imaging technology company, announces its partnership...

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