Generative Data Intelligence

tag: forstjóri

Cybersecurity lacking at most of the world’s major airports

When it comes to cybersecurity Amsterdam, Helsinki and Dublin were ranked the three safest airports by Immuniweb, but overall these facilities fared...

Gerð gervigreind frumkvæði í framleiðslu oft lauslega skilgreind, niðurstöður könnunar

Eftir starfsfólk AI Trends Mörg gervigreind frumkvæði eru lauslega skilgreind, skortir viðeigandi tækni og gagnainnviði og mistekst oft að...

Samþykkt alríkisstjórnar AI og RPA dreifingu; Bottar að koma til GSA

Eftir AI Trends Starfsfólk Umkringdu eldri vettvanga með umbúðum sjálfvirkra ferla, framleidd með blöndu af gervigreind og...

Lögfræðingar: Facebook er tilbúið að borga 550 milljónir dala til að leysa andlitsþekkingarmál

Facebook has agreed to set aside $550 million to settle a class-action lawsuit brought by users who allege the social media company...

Report: Ryuk ransomware impacts websites of DOD contractor

A Ryuk ransomware attack against U.S. Department of Defense contractor Electronic Warfare Associates (EWA) has reportedly affected the electronics company’s web server,... tilkynnir fulla bankasamþættingu fyrir tyrkneska líru

Í sláandi fyrsta tilkynnti kynningu á fullri bankasamþættingu fyrir tyrkneska líru (TRY). Það verður hluti af...

Election Security 2020: How We Should Allocate $425M in Funding

Too many states and municipalities still rely on aging systems; it's time they upped their game and treated election technology like they would...

Report: United Nations withheld news of systems hack in European offices

Officials at the United Nations reportedly discovered last August that hackers had compromised its IT systems in Geneva and Vienna last summer,...

Unlocking Interoperability Webinar

Have you ever looked at the backend structure of a financial institution? With legacy system architecture dating back over 30 years, inserting new technology...

Coinbase Starting Custodian Service Push With European Focus

Coinbase has long since been known for being one of the largest crypto exchanges in the industry, but the company, in particular, is...

Tesla hlutabréf eru betri en Bitcoin árið 2020 þar sem $10K Bull Run heldur áfram

Bitcoin (BTC) fjárfestar standa frammi fyrir tvöföldum vonbrigðum frá Elon Musk í þessum mánuði þar sem gögn sýna að Tesla er eina fjárfestingin sem er betri en BTC árið 2020. Tölur...

LabCorp suffers second data incident, patient PHI potentially exposed

LabCorp has confirmed that its internal system was accessed by an unauthorized person but would not give any further details pertaining to the number...

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