Generative Data Intelligence

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Tools to Spot Deepfakes and AI-Generated Text = Previous post Next post =>    Tags: AI, Deep Learning, Deepfakes, Natural...

How Chainlink and Cosmos Fit Into China’s Grand Blockchain Initiative

China’s ambitious national blockchain infrastructure project has enlisted two partners to help with two of the biggest challenges with this technology.  SmartContract, the company...

Europe battles on with digital tax plans despite US walk out

The European Commission (EC) has reaffirmed its commitment to a global digital tax on big technology companies such as Amazon, Facebook and Google, despite the US...

Images Play Persuasive Role in Disinformation Campaigns

If the 2016 election is any indication, images included in state-sponsored social media posts are effective at disseminating propaganda, new analysis shows.Disinformation campaigns...

Nýjasta hvati seðlabankans er kaldhæðnislegt að ýta undir áframhaldandi hækkun Bitcoin

Fréttir um að Trump-stjórnin sé að íhuga aðra umferð efnahagslegrar örvunar hafa valdið því að markaðir hafa hækkað,...

Bitcoin in Lebanon mirrors its role in Argentina, Hong Kong

If you were to ask a Bitcoiner in the early 2010s their vision for the world come the end of the decade, an...

Law Decoded: Dead Men Face No Charges, June 6-12

Editor’s note:  These are times strange enough that every conversation seems to include some verbal acknowledgment like “strange times, huh?” A quasi-anarchist police-free leftist...

Twitter próf biður þig um að opna grein áður en þú deilir henni

Það kemur ekki á óvart að Twitter myndi kanna eiginleika eins og þennan. Fyrirtækið er að herða baráttu sína gegn rangfærslum þar sem 2020...

Bitcoin Poised to Soar in Second Half of 2020, Says Chief of Financial Giant DeVere

ADVERTISEMENT Nigel Green, the CEO of financial advisory firm deVere Group, says he thinks Bitcoin (BTC) will once again surge before 2020 comes...

Kaldhæðni eða að mylja keppnina? Facebook heldur áfram að loka á dulritunarauglýsingar, þrátt fyrir vog

Á hátindi dulmálsbólunnar gerðu Facebook, Google og aðrir tæknirisar tilraun til að loka fyrir auglýsingar og kynningar tengdar dulritunargjaldmiðlum...

Chinese and Iranian APT Groups Targeted US Presidential Campaigns

Google analysts report advanced persistent threat groups linked to China and Iran launched phishing attacks against the Biden and Trump campaigns. Google's Threat...

The DeanBeat: Diversity is a long game

The tradition of staying out of politics got tossed out the window in the past week, as so many people who professionally stayed...

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