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tag: fjármögnun

ETHsezun OR Which Blockchain Will Grandma Use in 2040?

“Disbelief: the feeling of not being able to believe that something is true or real; 2) the refusal to believe that something is...

Hired: AR/VR engineers replace blockchain programmers as hottest commodity

Augmented reality and virtual reality jobs are hot, with demand surging 1,400% in 2019, according to a new State of Software Engineers...

Trump lítur á dulritun sem ógn, leggur til mótvægisaðgerðir í nýjum fjárlögum

Hvíta húsið gaf út fjárhagsáætlun bandarísku ríkisstjórnarinnar á mánudag, þar sem gerð er grein fyrir nokkrum tillögum til að auka eftirlit með dulritunargjaldmiðlum sem ...

Figure Introduces “Blockchain,” a Straight-Talking, but Charming Mascot to Demystify Technology Innovation

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Figure Technologies, Inc. (Figure™), a leader in transforming financial services through the power of blockchain technology, today unveiled in a national...

Bitcoin100: How Some Early Bitcoiners Spread Bitcoin Adoption With Charity

On November 22, 2011, a post appeared on with the following proposition:What followed was a five-year experiment in community fundraising, with the...

Litecoin Joins DeFi Race With Cred Partnership Enabling Loan Services

Today, the Litecoin Foundation, the core developers behind the Litecoin network, has made an important announcement. The team has recently made a strategic...

Figure: Blocky

In bringing Blockchain technology to the general consumer through financial transactions like mortgages, HELOC’s and student loan refinancing, Figure has been able to...

PrimeBit Review: Heill yfirlit yfir skipti

PrimeBit er glænýr viðskiptavettvangur fyrir dulritunargjaldmiðla sem gefur notendum nýja og einstaka leið til að eiga viðskipti með dulmál með skiptimynt. PrimeBit tengist langri...

“And In This Corner …” A Look at Germany’s Top 10 Challenger Banks

How is the battle of the challenger banks manifesting itself in Germany? As FinovateEurope gets started in Berlin this week, we take...

What Awaits Ripple in 2020 – A Breakthrough of Resistance or New Lows?

This article was originally posted on The Bitcoin News - a trusted site covering numerous topics related to Bitcoin since 2012. The third crypto...

Telos Foundation Partners With Q&A Platform Peeranha to Pay Users to Contribute Their Knowledge to the Ecosystem

<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" type="text" content="Decentralized application Peeranha uses blockchain technology to protect contributors' content from censorship or deletion due to...

Origin Agritech Updates GMO Corn Seed Research and Commercialization Strategies

<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" type="text" content="BEIJING, Feb. 10, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Origin Agritech Ltd. (NASDAQ: SEED)&nbsp;(the "Company" or "Origin"), an agriculture...

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